Template not rendering (unable to retrieve data)


class AdsController < ApplicationController

def index
@ads = Ad.find(:all)

def show


routeing: route.rb

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.connect ‘/ads/’, :controller=>‘ads’, :action=>‘index’
map.connect ‘/ads/:id’, :controller=>‘ads’, :action=>‘show’


All Ads!!

All Ads!

any one know mebay application on head first rails…i am practicing
that one.
this application is all about displaying the list of adds to the
see the above code to display the available ads on an index page …
but the list of names of ads not displaying when i run this
at “http://localhost:3000/ads” whats wrong …can anybody help me

are you able to see add by id and please
paste here you log file output or error in deatils
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 1:02 PM, kiran [email protected] wrote:

<% for ad in @ads %>
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Rajeev sharma

onemore thing i am able to see by id like when i am at “http://
localhost:3000/ads/3” the add details are coming fine…

i am not abe to see any thing…just able to see a white page without
even a single dot in it…

yes colin u r right…thank u…i am surprized to see it worked…a
simple slash made all the difference how would u figure out
this…anyway thanx…

On 1 December 2010 07:32, kiran [email protected] wrote:



All Ads!!

That should be at the end


On 1 December 2010 10:09, kiran [email protected] wrote:

yes colin u r right…thank u…i am surprized to see it worked…a
simple slash made all the difference how would u figure out
this…anyway thanx…

I guess that it took the whole of the rest as the title, since the
title had not been closed. You would have seen the problem if you had
copied the complete html of the page (View, Page Source or similar in
the browser) and pasted it into the w3c htlm validator website. It
would have told you about the error.

A good tip when something apparently very strange like this is
happening is to look at the html source, you would then have seen that
there was something there that should have been displayed but was not,
this would have told you that it must be an error in the html rather
than any subtle rails issue.
