I have installed Ruby, RubyGems, Rails, MySQL and sqlite3. After
starting the server and viewing a simple application called
‘greeting.rhtml’ I get the following message in FireFox:
Template is missing
Missing template app/greeting.html.erb in view path C:/Documents and
I am a newbie and really don’t know where to go from here. Any
suggestions…? Thanks!
it’s as simple as the message tells you, the file greeting.html.erb
in folder C:/Documents and
is missing.
this should contain the html/erb code to display your data
for simple testing/make it run, you can just place an empty file with
the name there or put some simple html in it like:
that’s all to it, you should see the content of the file in your browser
It’s a bit of a niggle that the .rhtml file should work but it
doesn’t, despite the html.erb file working fine. Is there anything you
can recommend I do to investigate and/or fix this…?
it’s as simple as the message tells you, the file greeting.html.erb
in folder C:/Documents and
is missing.
this should contain the html/erb code to display your data
for simple testing/make it run, you can just place an empty file with
the name there or put some simple html in it like:
that’s all to it, you should see the content of the file in your browser
Hi, I am also new to Ruby on Rails and html…after reading your
comment i now know that i need to create a html.erb file but my question
is how do i create an html.erb file??? using notepad??? Do i jus type
(da file name) followed by html.erb??? I’ve tried dis but it still says
“Template is Missing”
it’s as simple as the message tells you, the file greeting.html.erb
in folder C:/Documents and
is missing.
this should contain the html/erb code to display your data
for simple testing/make it run, you can just place an empty file with
the name there or put some simple html in it like:
that’s all to it, you should see the content of the file in your browser
Hi, I am also new to Ruby on Rails and html…after reading your
comment i now know that i need to create a html.erb file but my question
is how do i create an html.erb file??? using notepad??? Do i jus type
(da file name) followed by html.erb??? I’ve tried dis but it still says
“Template is Missing”
Thanks and hope 2 hear 4m u soon!
It’s just a text file. You create it in a text editor, the same way
you’d create a plain HTML file for a static website.
A thought: if you don’t know how to create static Web pages, then you’re
not ready to
start working with Rails (or any other Web programming framework) quite
yet. Learn HTML first, then come back.
It’s just a text file. You create it in a text editor, the same way
you’d create a plain HTML file for a static website.
A thought: if you don’t know how to create static Web pages, then you’re
not ready to
start working with Rails (or any other Web programming framework) quite
yet. Learn HTML first, then come back.
It’s a bit of a niggle that the .rhtml file should work but it
doesn’t, despite the html.erb file working fine. Is there anything you
can recommend I do to investigate and/or fix this…?
Nothing needs to be “fixed”. The .rhtml naming scheme is deprecated in
Rails 2, and I believe it’s been removed entirely in Rails 3. So don’t
use it!
If you have a tutorial that uses .rhtml, that’s a sure sign that it’s
out of date. Find a current one.
Its cool mate, I’ve solved the problem myself. I was using NOTEPAD
before but I tried SciTe and it works.
Are you sure the file created by notepad had the correct full name,
possibly it had .txt on the end. You are using Windows after all,
perhaps it hid the extension for you.
Does that file exist at either of the sub-paths indicated, or not? If
not, move it there, or create it there. Check also that you may have a
folder called ‘salutations’ (plural) and you may have written
salutation/hello in your view or controller (wherever you called
Walter, it worked!
I really appreciate you took the time to help. Thank You very much!
Does that file exist at either of the sub-paths indicated, or not? If
not, move it there, or create it there. Check also that you may have a
folder called ‘salutations’ (plural) and you may have written
salutation/hello in your view or controller (wherever you called