Template is missing statement

Hi folks. Listen I got a problem.
Just starts wirth ruby. Everything is installed
and when I check the lacalhost Site, evrything is running well
So I start doing an new application named say.

I got a class Say Controller

saved: demo/app/controllers/say_controller.rb

class SayController < ApplicationController
def hello

and a html.erb
Gespeichert : demo/app/views/say/hello.html.erb

Hello, Rails!

Hello from Rails!

In the website output :

Missing template

What can I do???

Do you notice any difference between the two filenames?
Let’s see…

Boris Vom grund wrote:

Hi folks. Listen I got a problem.
Just starts wirth ruby. Everything is installed
and when I check the lacalhost Site, evrything is running well
So I start doing an new application named say.

I got a class Say Controller

saved: demo/app/controllers/say_controller.rb

You haven’t actually said so, but I’m going to guess you’re working with

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