I’m trying to learn this language,two days now,and it already gives me
headaches,instead of learning something,more questions pop-up…
Like for example,this code runs perfectly:
require “rubygems”
require “wx”
include Wx
class MinimalApp < App
def on_init
Frame.new(nil, -1, “The Bare Minimum”).show()
So why this doesn’t ?
require “rubygems”
require “wx”
inlcude Wx
class Try < App
def on_init
Frame.new(nil,-1,“My First Window”).show()
Nothing happens,when i drag it on rubyx.exe file…but the first one
makes simple form pop-up…
Also i’ve installed wxruby manually,because when i try to do that
through console,it crashes my whole PC…no errors,nothing everything
just stops responding.
I’ve also tried to understand thing like RubyScript2Exe.
Nice,but when you open their page it says nothing about how to install
it on windows,just the usage…so ok,i thought i’ll try to install it
through console,so i typed gem intall RubyScript2Exe and it did,nice i
thought,but when i try to use it,like it says on their page,it gives
only errors and there’s nothing about that there.
Going for aspirin,brb:))