NOTE: IF this is not for you, but you find us the cofounder-engineer,
we will give you $30k in equity (if fullttime, or half if half time)
Skilled Web App Chief Engineer CoFounder (also open to Chief
architect, Project Manager if cannot find the engineer here in USA)
Exciting new software venture seeks a strong web application developer
to start work as soon as possible on a Beta version of our web
application. (We already have alpha in asp that got rave reviews).
Since we are wanting to get this out as soon as possible, we would
much prefer a RoR developer(s) if at all possible.
Based in the Bay Area, this software startup was founded in 2005 by an
experienced entrepreneur to attack a clearly defined and substantial
market opportunity around repairing and strengthening couple
relationships over the web.
We are in the online relationship management and enrichment space.
Our market is the over 70M couples in the US and Europe (as well as hi
growth areas of Asia) who are unhappy with their relationships, plus
millions more who want their good relationship to continue or get
Our application couples to repair, sustain, strengthen and thereby
save and ensure their relationships. We provide couples with an
interactive, ongoing relationship-management set of tools that taps
the best of what is out there in terms of marriage research and
marriage-saving practices plus one other powerful novel source. We
also will make it easy for the user to empower him/herself in an
individually tailored way that will maintain user engagement and
We are taking the social networking craze (creating relationships) to
the next natural step–sustaining and enhancing/deepening those
We have a first version that works, but it has limited functionality
and is not polished enough for our upcoming Beta program with a major
healthcare provider (possibly two). First order of business is to
create a second major revamp version.
We now need someone who can take our Alpha website to the next
Prefer fulltime, but Part-time (20hrs/wk OK). We expect a total of
about 200-250 hrs total of programming plus time during the beta.
For Chief Architect: One intense weekend or 4 or 5 nites, or 3 day
For Project Manager (ideally also architect): part-time for approx 20
Past experience creating professional web applications (not just
websites) is necessary, and having some design experience or a
designer partner, a big plus. Core task includes generation and
validation of roughly 14 forms, with permissions ranging from the
results being single user accessible to accessible to both members of
a linked up party (husband and wife)
We would hope for an ongoing relationship, but it is not necessarily a
REQUIREMENTS for the job: (for Chief Engineer Co Founder)
· · Much prefer USA based, but given the market and our finances, can
be outsource (ONLY) if you have Bay area based Project manager and/or
Chief Architect partner which you specify in your cover letter (in the
subject box–up front)
· can start almost immediately (can work from home)
· · Can take high to medium level requirements, understand them and
return something professional
· · A reasonable eye for website design, flow and layout
· · Can work fast, with a high level of self-direction.
· Knowledge of a content management system, or things like smartie
templates a plus
· Big Plus if you have trusted designer partner
We recognize and appreciate talent, and ideally this gig could turn
into an ongoing relationship. If you are looking to get involved on
the ground floor of an exciting opportunity, learn a lot in a fast
paced and fun environment, then this is your chance to come and build
something that will really help people and we can all be proud of.
Depending upon your experience, this role could easily develop into a
senior permanent role (be it architect, CTO or VP of Engineering) as
the company and role progresses.
Compensation is significant equity and a negotiable fixed fee that is
dependent upon experience, speed, and position. The more equity
wanted, the less the fee. Plus getting in on the ground floor for a
permanent position as the project grows, assuming that is desired.-if
you want more than a gig.
REMEMBER: DO NOT APPLY if you are from India or outside USA UNLLESS
you have a Bay Area based Chief Architect and Project manager partner
specified in your cover letter!
DO NOT JUST SEND short note with your bio if you want to be
considered!! To enable me to quickly compare and evaluate, please
carefully follow the directions below by pasting in and responding to
each of the seven items below.
Please send an email with “name of position” and “your city” in the
subject and include the following in your cover letter:
- For Chief Engineer/CTO : years spent as a fulltime programmer, and
years of experience with your language of choice for this project
[Note: IF applying for chief architect, can you some to bay area for
few days if we provide accommodations; otherwise, if i have friends
where you live; i might be able to fly out to you.]
sample apps (preferably not ordinary sites, but list 3 of these
sites if that’s all you have)-just your top 2 or 3, and your role -
how soon can start, where you are located, and how many hours/wk
can devote. If only 20hrs/wk or less, do you have a partner to bring
it up to 40hrs/wk -
your contact info in your signature (so readily findable)
and attach your resume
Please email me by March 19, then f/u by end of same day on cell 415
845 7012 (PST) to make sure I got it