TCPSocket Download Rate

Hey Everyone,
Just wondering if there is a way of monitoring the download rate and the
download progress using TCPSocket. From what I’ve seen once something is
downloading it pretty much keeps on downloading and I’m not sure how to
monitor progress.

Thijs De vries wrote:

Hey Everyone,
Just wondering if there is a way of monitoring the download rate and the
download progress using TCPSocket. From what I’ve seen once something is
downloading it pretty much keeps on downloading and I’m not sure how to
monitor progress.

Allright, figured it out myself. Turns out if I call
tcp_connection.recv(10, 0) multiple times it will get the next 10 bytes,
followed by the next 10 bytes. Now what I’m wondering is if there is
anyway I can index where I start downloading so I can download from
multiple servers that contain the same file?