Hi. First post in this group and I hope someone can help.
I am trying to teach myself Ruby with a long-term goal of doing some
web development using Ruby on Rails.
Note: version
C:\rails\hello>ruby -v
ruby 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09) [i386-mingw32]
I have been going through Jeremy McAnally’s book “Mr. Neighborlys
Humble Little Ruby Book” and there is a section in chapter 5 where he
explains how to connect a socket using the lines:
So I look in the socket.rb file and sure enough there is no TCPserver
class although all of the documentation I find online says there
should be. I even went to Downloads to get
ruby and install again and still no luck.
Is this a deprecated class? Is there some other way to make a socket
connection? Is there somewhere that I can get the version of socket
that contains this class?