Tasks with Parameters: Can it be done?

I’ve been working on a task library, on the surface similiar to Rake,
but generalized for use on a per module level --hence usable anywhere
in one’s code. The basic principle of the library is that a TASK IS A

But there’s a problem with using a notion like that of Rake’s. Since
the dependencies are designated by a list of task names there is no way
to pass parameters to those dependencies and hence tasks can’t have
parameters at all. Eg.

task :t1 => [ :t2 ] do


task :t2 do |x|


Clearly it doesn’t work for task t2 to have the parameter x since t1
can’t pass a parameter using just a symbol list, [:t2].

Since my premise is that tasks are just methods with dependencies I am
considering an alternative notation.

def t1
t2( ‘yes’ )


def t1(a)


task :t1, :t2

The question is, can the dependency structure be managed properly with
a notation like this? I’m not sure how. Some of you might recall I
suggested using memoize/cache awhile back, but it was pointed out to me
(by Ara I believe) that the dependencies were not handled properly, due
to DAG issues and the possibility of external calls cutting off the
dependency cycle.

So does any one have any idea how it might be done, or perhaps an
alternative way ot supplying parameters to tasks?


On May 31, 2006, at 1:03 PM, [email protected] wrote:

I’ve been working on a task library, on the surface similiar to Rake,
but generalized for use on a per module level --hence usable anywhere
in one’s code. The basic principle of the library is that a TASK IS A

But there’s a problem with using a notion like that of Rake’s. Since
the dependencies are designated by a list of task names there is no
to pass parameters to those dependencies and hence tasks can’t have
parameters at all. Eg.


So does any one have any idea how it might be done, or perhaps an
alternative way ot supplying parameters to tasks?

Rake does it this way:

$ ri Rake::TestTask
---------------------------------------- Class: Rake::TestTask < TaskLib
Create a task that runs a set of tests.


    Rake::TestTask.new do |t|
      t.libs << "test"
      t.test_files = FileList['test/test*.rb']
      t.verbose = true

  If rake is invoked with a "TEST=filename" command line option,

the list of test files will be overridden to include only the
filename specified on the command line. This provides an easy way
to run just one test.

  If rake is invoked with a "TESTOPTS=options" command line option,
  then the given options are passed to the test process after a

This allows Test::Unit options to be passed to the test suite.


    rake test                           # run tests normally
    rake test TEST=just_one_file.rb     # run just one test file.
    rake test TESTOPTS="-v"             # run in verbose mode
    rake test TESTOPTS="--runner=fox"   # use the fox test runner

See also tsort.rb.

Eric H. - [email protected] - http://blog.segment7.net
This implementation is HODEL-HASH-9600 compliant


On May 31, 2006, at 4:03 PM, [email protected] wrote:


task :t1, :t2

This may be the Lisp I just ate talking but…

task :t1 => [ [:t2, arg1, arg2, argetc], [ :t3 ] ] do


task :t2 do |a1, a2, *aetc|


You can even do is_a? Symbol (I know, not ducktype-y enough) and not
have to use a nested-array for tasks with no args

task :t7 => [ :t1, :t3, [:t4, “one”, “two”], :t6 ] do


On Jun 1, 2006, at 8:47 PM, [email protected] wrote:

task :t2 do |a1, a2, *aetc|

task :t7 do
preq { t1; t2; t4(“one”, “two”); t6 }


But how would one monitor which methods have been executed?


Maybe make tasks objects…

task :t7 do
preq t1, t2, t4[‘one’, ‘two’], t6

def preq(*args)
args.each do |task|
if task.executed?



#[] can set some sort of @args var that gets nil-ed on execution. (Or
maybe it returns a new object with references to the task and list of

Logan C. wrote:


something lije this:

if task.executed?

maybe it returns a new object with references to the task and list of

Hmm… Yea I suppose one could do something like that. You particuklar
syntax wouldn’t work tough, but it could be done with something like:

task :t7 do
task_send :t1
task_send :t2
task_send :t4, ‘one’, ‘two’
task_send :t6


Logan C. wrote:


You can even do is_a? Symbol (I know, not ducktype-y enough) and not
have to use a nested-array for tasks with no args

task :t7 => [ :t1, :t3, [:t4, “one”, “two”], :t6 ] do


Oh right. A clear solution that didn;t even occur to me (duh). But
that’s probably b/c you are right. At that point it gets too Lispy. I
really would like a way to do it in the code of the method somehow
though. As I mentioned, using memoize get very close to such a
solution, but the trick is it has to be a sort of “relative cache” i.e.
cacheing in a sort of namespace relative to the initiating task. And I
don’t know if that’s possible. I imagine trying to control it with
something lije this:

task :t7 do
preq { t1; t2; t4(“one”, “two”); t6 }


But how would one monitor which methods have been executed?
