Take a value from tables

Hi, I am new in Rails, and now i have a problem to take data from more
4 tables in DB

This is my code:

//user model
belongs_to season
belongs_to album
has_many albums


def get_pic

@pic = Picture.where(:album_id => ‘Album.album_id’ ,
user.where(:culture_id => ‘Culture.culture_id’)).first



// Picture model//
belongs_to season
belongs_to album

//Culture model//
has_many pictures

// album model//
has_many pictures
has_many pictures through => 2011year
has_many pictures through => 2010year
has_many pictures through => 2009year

//2011yea model //
belongs_to picture

//2010yea model //
belongs_to picture

//2009yea model //
belongs_to picture

and i want to to take the image data from PICTURE table

album_id integer NOT NULL,
culture_id integer NOT NULL,
image binary

my user controller is

def show
@user= User.all
@my= User.get_pic


Please help… i want stuck almost a week,. how i can i take a value
in Picture table.
Plus, i have caused a problem on this code as well

@pic = Picture.where(:album_id => ‘Album.album_id’ ,
user.where(:culture_id => ‘Culture.culture_id’)).first

it causes a syntax error

Please help . please help … thanks thanks

On Thursday, June 9, 2011 8:16:28 PM UTC-6, joanne wrote:

I’m assuming this isn’t a copy/paste since it should look more like:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :season
belongs_to :album
has_many :albums


def get_pic

@pic = Picture.where(:album_id => ‘Album.album_id’ ,
user.where(:culture_id => ‘Culture.culture_id’)).first



Hmm, I’ll talk about this where later where you re-pasted it below
(regarding a syntax error)…

// Picture model//
belongs_to season
belongs_to album

//Culture model//
has_many pictures

Culture has_one what? It’s looking to me like you’re omitting stuff?

// album model//
has_many pictures
has_many pictures through => 2011year
has_many pictures through => 2010year
has_many pictures through => 2009year

I’m pretty sure this is trouble. Firstly, having multiple #has_many
all with the same relationship name (:pictures) would either fail or
subsequent calls would overwrite the prior calls’ relationship metadata,
other weirdness would ensue (no sure exactly which as I’ve never tried).

What would it mean if I had an Album instance and I said:
Would I get the ones from the first #has_many, or the second, third, or

Also, the :through option on #has_many implies you’ve got a relationship
the “through” model already. So, if you said: “has_many :pictures,
=> :2009year” that would require you to already have a “has_many
above it (or something like that, not really sure what you’re trying to

Yes, but do they “#belong_to :album” too? (Also required for the
:through calls in the section above).

   @user= User.all

Umm, you’re going to show “all” your users? You usually only see this
the “index” action…

   @my= User.get_pic

The code you had above defined #get_pic as a regular instance method on
User model, not as a class method. I’d think you’d need something like:

@user = User.find(params[:id])
@my = @user.get_pic

…but again, I can’t be sure (not enough info).

Yes, this is bad syntax. The #where class method call starts with you
passing an implicit ruby hash. Then, for the second hash entry, you say
“user.where(…)” which syntax doesn’t comprise a hash “key => value”
This is your basic syntax error. However, you’ve got many more problems
besides that. Your relationships “:album_id => ‘Album.album_id’” are
(very likely wrong). Are you trying to do a join in there? There is a
separate method for that.

it causes a syntax error

Please help . please help … thanks thanks

Next time, you’ll get better info if you post actual code as you’ve got
in your files. You can omit irrelevant methods (if they’re not
referenced at
all by any of the code you do need help with). There are many other
that look problematic but I’ll just go with what I’ve commented on here.

You mentioned that you’re new to rails. Often, a lot of rails newbies
also ruby newbies. I don’t know for a fact if this is true for you or
but in general, the better your basic ruby knowledge, the better
you’ll be for doing rails work.

So, I’d recommend brushing up on your ruby. Also, as others have
to people asking questions on this list, I’d recommend working through
the Rails
Tutorial http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book.

Either way, good luck solving your problems and learning rails.