Table scheme question


I am getting grey hair…i don’t now the right setup for the solution.
Maybe you can help?..


companyX has for each period (1 year, 2 years ect) different 5

So for example:
2 years…has the value rates of 3%, 4%, 6%, 7%
5 years…has the value rates of 4%, 6%, 6%, 9%

Can anyone help how my table scheme looks like…or multiply tables??


On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 01:11:51 -0800,
[email protected] wrote:


I am getting grey hair…i don’t now the right setup for the solution.
Maybe you can help?..


companyX has for each period (1 year, 2 years ect) different 5

when I hear “five values” I think “five fields”. Or, in ruby, five
attr_accessors, or five instance variable.

I think of the periods as either records or rows, or, in ruby: objects
(if that helps).

So for example:
2 years…has the value rates of 3%, 4%, 6%, 7% 5 years…has the value
rates of 4%, 6%, 6%, 9%

That’s the desired output? It’s not meaningful to me; I have no idea
what that’s supposed to convey. Do you want:

2 years rates in percentages : 3,4,6,5
5 years rates in percentages : 4,6,6,9

If so, why? What does it mean? A five year loan at four percent? or
percent? Which one?

Can anyone help how my table scheme looks like…or multiply tables??


table: quarters

year quarter
2007 1
2007 2

table: rates


one-to-many relation between “quarters” and “rates” so that query
are along the lines of:

year quarter rate
2007 1 3
2007 1 4
2007 2 5

However, that doesn’t make sense to me because why would there be:

2007 quarter 1 3% rate
2007 quarter 1 4% rate

Also, it’s kind of silly to have a “rates” table which just has a list
integers, but the alternative is to put the year and quarter into one
field giving:

year & quarter rate

2007 1 3
2007 1 3
7007 2 5

this doesn’t make sense to me, it’s like a store giving two different
prices for the same product at exactly the same time. Or, what would be
the reason for two different rates for the same quarter? Maybe another
field is required.

What is your desired output? Please be specific, maybe give a concrete
example :slight_smile:

is there rate1, rate 2, …, rate 5? These are the five values? prime
rate, not-so-prime and so on?


Thufir wrote:

On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 01:11:51 -0800,
[email protected] wrote:


I am getting grey hair…i don’t now the right setup for the solution.
Maybe you can help?..


companyX has for each period (1 year, 2 years ect) different 5

when I hear “five values” I think “five fields”. Or, in ruby, five
attr_accessors, or five instance variable.

I think of the periods as either records or rows, or, in ruby: objects
(if that helps).

So for example:
2 years…has the value rates of 3%, 4%, 6%, 7% 5 years…has the value
rates of 4%, 6%, 6%, 9%

That’s the desired output? It’s not meaningful to me; I have no idea
what that’s supposed to convey. Do you want:

2 years rates in percentages : 3,4,6,5
5 years rates in percentages : 4,6,6,9

If so, why? What does it mean? A five year loan at four percent? or
percent? Which one?

Can anyone help how my table scheme looks like…or multiply tables??


table: quarters

year quarter
2007 1
2007 2

table: rates


one-to-many relation between “quarters” and “rates” so that query
are along the lines of:

year quarter rate
2007 1 3
2007 1 4
2007 2 5

However, that doesn’t make sense to me because why would there be:

2007 quarter 1 3% rate
2007 quarter 1 4% rate

Also, it’s kind of silly to have a “rates” table which just has a list
integers, but the alternative is to put the year and quarter into one
field giving:

year & quarter rate

2007 1 3
2007 1 3
7007 2 5

this doesn’t make sense to me, it’s like a store giving two different
prices for the same product at exactly the same time. Or, what would be
the reason for two different rates for the same quarter? Maybe another
field is required.

What is your desired output? Please be specific, maybe give a concrete
example :slight_smile:

is there rate1, rate 2, …, rate 5? These are the five values? prime
rate, not-so-prime and so on?


Hi Thufir

That’s the desired output? It’s not meaningful to me; I have no idea
what that’s supposed to convey. Do you want:

2 years rates in percentages : 3,4,6,5
5 years rates in percentages : 4,6,6,9

If so, why? What does it mean? A five year loan at four percent? or
percent? Which one?

When you decide as a consumer to get a loan…in the dutch market…there
are 3 choices you must take;

1:The lender.
2:the period(1 year fixed, 2 year ect)
3:and the EW**

**The EW has todo with the risk tou want to take.


Lender MortgageCompanyA has:

1 year (fixed) the rates are:
EW1 = 4.5%
EW2 = 4.6%
EW3 = 4.7%
EW4 = 4.9%

2 year (fixed) the rates are
EW1 = 4.5%
EW2 = 4.6%
EW3 = 4.9%
EW4 = 5.9%


Lender MortgageCompanyB has:

1 year (fixed) the rates are:
EW1 = 4.7%
EW2 = 4.9%
EW3 = 5.1%
EW4 = 6.0%

2 year (fixed) the rates are
EW1 = 6.0%
EW2 = 6.6%
EW3 = 6.9%
EW4 = 6.9%

Example, check >

The example is also my desired output…

Thanks…Thufir…i am a newbie…it would be great if you can help

On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 11:29:29 +0100, Remco S. wrote:

Example, check >

table: five year

lender NHG rate1 rate2 rate3 rate4

lender1 4.55 4.75 4.85 4.85 4.95
lender2 3.55 6.75 4.85 4.85 4.95
lender3 5.55 3.75 4.85 4.85 4.95

table: ten year

lender NHG rate1 rate2 rate3 rate4

lender1 4.55 4.75 4.85 4.85 4.95
lender2 3.55 6.75 4.85 4.85 4.95
lender3 5.55 3.75 4.85 4.85 4.95

Because I’m lazy, I used the same data :slight_smile:

so, this design would suck because it’s redundant, requiring massive
entry with many opportunities for data entry errors – very tedious.

Nothing jumps out at me, so let’s gather more data. What does NHG mean?

Now, how are these numbers calculated? Which are dependant, which are

Can this be pared down to lender, NHG and term?

And then there’s arithmetic to generate:

lender NHG rate1 rate2 rate3 rate4 term in years

lender1 4.55 4.75 4.85 4.85 4.95 1

where rate1 to rate4 are calculated?

Even better, can the rates be calculated?

If so, the only data which is stored is:

lender NHG

lender1 4.55
lender2 5.22
lender3 4.39

so that there’s a function “rates” which returns rate1, rate2, rate3,
rate4 given an NHG and term? As a starting point, there could be four
formulas. Either a sort of “vector valued function” which returns an
array [4.75 4.85 4.85 4.95] or four functions to calculate each
of those elements. Either approach is fine.

I think it depends on how the calculations are made. It may be that
two columns are required: lender name and NHG.
