I need some help understanding the proper way to save (if possible)
using the new(). create() method. I need an example to try to
Say, I have a table called projects with id, name, and
status_id as attributes along with another table called statuses with
id, name
My Project model will contain a “belongs_to :status” and Status model
will contain a “has_many :projects”.
Status table can contain (“active”, “scheduled”, “inactive”) along
with their respective ids.
I’m trying to figure out the proper way for, say, creating a new
project model using new() or create() with an ‘active’ id.
I’m looking to understand the difference between these and whether I
should always prefer to use one over the other…
p = Project.new(:name => “blah”, :status_id =>
p = Project.new(:name => “blah”, :status_id =>
p = Project.new(:name => “blah”, :status =>
p = Project.new(:name => “blah”, :status =>
Another question, along the same lines should I be doing the
p = Project.new(:name => “blah”, :status_id => Status.new(:name=>
p.save should create the new Status right?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.