System(...) redirect output to file?


i use the system method on Windows like that =

Dir.chdir(CVSWORKSPACE) do
system(“T:/cvsnt/cvs.exe -d :pserver:testuser@cvs:d:/cvsrepos/test
commit -m ‘blabla’”)

How to redirect the ouptut from a system call to a file ?

Like f.e. C:>dir > Y:\output.txt in a cmd shell

I need to parse the output from
cvs -update command to get the new files before doing a commit.

Regards, Gilbert

How to redirect the ouptut from a system call to a file ?

system(“dir > myfile.txt”)


Rebhan, Gilbert:

I need to parse the output from
cvs -update command to get the new files before doing a commit.

output = command here

Note the use of backticks (), and note that only the command's stdout is redirected. For more complicated use there is IO.popen. Note furthermore that is a method, which means that (hopefully) all you need to know
be found via

ri ‘`’
ri IO.popen

Regards, Kalman



did it with =
pipe=IO.popen("…/cvs.exe -d
:pserver:#{ENV[“USERNAME”]}@cvsprod:d:/cvsrepos/test update")
p pipe.readlines.each { |x|
newfiles<<’.’<<’/’<<x[2…-2]<<’ ’ }
puts newfiles.to_s

./subfolder1/file4.txt ./subfolder1/file5.txt

Recommended or is there a better way ?