two questions :
system(“T:/cvsnt/cvs.exe”, “-d
:pserver:username@cvshost:d:/cvsrepos/test co Foobar”)
doesn’t work, whereas
system(“T:/cvsnt/cvs.exe -d :pserver:username@cvshost:d:/cvsrepos/test
co Foobar”)
all examples i found had system (“cmd”, “args”)
is that normal for some executables or is it a buggy behaviour from
cvs.exe ?
my rubyscript lies under C:/cvs.rb
my cvsworkspace = T:/cvsworkspace
now i want to fire my cvs command out of the
cvsworkspace folder
in a windowshell i would do=
cd workspace
T:/cvsnt/cvs.exe -d :pserver:username@cvshost:d:/cvsrepos/test co Foobar
how to emulate that with system(…)
i tried to ; separate it :
system(“T:;cd workspace;T:/cvsnt/cvs.exe -d
:pserver:username@cvshost:d:/cvsrepos/test co Foobar”)
but that doesn’t work
Any ideas ?
Regards, Gilbert
On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 12:51:35AM +0900, Rebhan, Gilbert wrote:
is that normal for some executables or is it a buggy behaviour from
cvs.exe ?
No, you have to go entirely one way or the other. That is, either split
all the arguments yourself:
system(“T:/cvsnt/cvs.exe”, “-d”,
“:pserver:username@cvshost:d:/cvsrepos/test”, “co”, “Foobar”)
Or pass a single string, as in your second example, in which case the
will be used to split them.
Passing separate arguments is safer against certain forms of attack, and
makes it easy to pass arguments which themselves contains spaces or
shell metacharacters.
how to emulate that with system(…)
i tried to ; separate it :
system(“T:;cd workspace;T:/cvsnt/cvs.exe -d
:pserver:username@cvshost:d:/cvsrepos/test co Foobar”)
but that doesn’t work
What error does it give? Perhaps you just need
system(“T:;cd \workspace; …”
This won’t work with the argument-split example given above. In that
you could do it from Ruby, e.g.
Dir.chdir("…wherever…") do