Can someone please help me with the following syntax? I’m passing two
arguments to a definition in my model (passing some session info to the
model), and I can’t seem to get the multiple conditions down right.
def, user_id)
if search
find(:all, :conditions => [‘firstname LIKE ?’, “#{search}”, ’ AND
user_id == ?’, “#{user_id}”])
find(:all, :conditions => [‘user_id == ?’, “#{user_id}”])
I probably have a comma in there, but is something like this possible?
Two arguments sent to the definition in my model, and using both those
arguments to filter out the records that I find?
Steve C. wrote:
Can someone please help me with the following syntax? I’m passing two
arguments to a definition in my model (passing some session info to the
model), and I can’t seem to get the multiple conditions down right.
def, user_id)
if search
find(:all, :conditions => [‘firstname LIKE ?’, “#{search}”, ’ AND
user_id == ?', “#{user_id}”])
Note that “#{var}” is always bad syntax. var.to_s or simply var will
work just as well.
But anyway, your problem is simple. In the array syntax of :conditions,
the strings aren’t paired – rather, the first string is the entire
SQL fragment, and then come all the parameters.
find(:all, :conditions => ['user_id == ?', "#{user_id}"])
Here, you don’t want the array syntax of :conditions. Use the hash
syntax, or find_all_by_user_id.
I probably have a comma in there, but is something like this possible?
Two arguments sent to the definition in my model, and using both those
arguments to filter out the records that I find?
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]
Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
Note that “#{var}” is always bad syntax. var.to_s or simply var will
work just as well.
But anyway, your problem is simple. In the array syntax of :conditions,
the strings aren’t paired – rather, the first string is the entire
SQL fragment, and then come all the parameters.
Gotcha - thanks for the tip. I stripped out the #{var}, and simply used
var and it worked just as well. I got that syntax from Ryan B. over
at Railscasts, but I was watching a pretty old episode so I’m sure
things had changed since then.
Here, you don’t want the array syntax of :conditions. Use the hash
syntax, or find_all_by_user_id.
I had a little trouble initially figuring that one out, but I’m sure I
got it working now. I guess for a beginner syntax of simple things like
arrays and hashes are one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. At least
that’s how it is in my case.
It’s all a learning process though!
Here’s the result; look pretty good?
def, user_id)
if search
find(:all, :conditions => [’(firstname LIKE ? OR lastname LIKE ?)
AND user_id == ?’,
find(:all, :conditions => { :user_id => user_id })
Steve C. wrote:
I stripped out the #{var}, and simply used
var and it worked just as well. I got that syntax from Ryan B. over
at Railscasts, but I was watching a pretty old episode so I’m sure
things had changed since then.
It was never a good syntax, and I’m not sure why Ryan would be using it.
Now, it’s great if you’re doing “#{var} with other stuff”, but it’s
silly if there’s no other stuff.
Here’s the result; look pretty good?
def, user_id)
if search
find(:all, :conditions => [‘(firstname LIKE ? OR lastname LIKE ?)
AND user_id == ?’,
Why not use named placeholders? That way you don’t have to supply the
same variable twice.
find(:all, :conditions => { :user_id => user_id })
Again, I’d recommend find_all_by_user_id for something this
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]
Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
Why not use named placeholders? That way you don’t have to supply the
same variable twice.
Again, I’d recommend find_all_by_user_id for something this
Thanks a bunch! You’ve motivated me to learn more about named
placeholders, and after doing some research
this page helped me understand how to use them in my particular example.
Now then - how does this look? Maybe it’s because I’m new, but I find
refactoring pretty neat. It’s fun to have code that works, be
simplified into even easier to understand and manage code.
I need to get out of the habit of leaving a problem just because it’s
fixed. Nine times out of ten it could be refactored into better code,
which surely helps me in the long run.
The code:
def, user_id)
if search
values = { :search => search, :user_id => user_id }
conditions = “user_id = :user_id AND (firstname LIKE :search OR
lastname LIKE :search)”
find(:all, :conditions => [ conditions, values ])