Syncing RubySpec and mspec

Hey all!

I’ve been talking with Jim via email about helping with syncing
copy of RubySpec and mspec with the official repos. I’v started work on
pulling in the latest RubySpec changes. These also require the latest
Well, it looks like the default.mspec file is no longer compatible with
latest version of mspec.

My integration branch is here:
And the errors I’m getting when running mspec are here:

I have very little knowledge of mspec, and googling for the error brings
older posts from this list saying not to use that version of mspec. So,
maybe someone who knows more about it could take a look?


That did it. I’ll have to be more careful with merging that particular
in the future.

Now, how do I go about updating the tags? Is it the following, or do I
to go through some specs manually?

tag rubyspec

BTW, I get a StackOverflowException on of of the specs, which kills the
run before they all finish. :-/

Will G.

Inside of the MSpec in our tree, I have added a filtered method to
(I believe). You’ll need to get that method merged into your branch to
user our config.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Will G.
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 9:17 PM
To: ironruby-core
Subject: [Ironruby-core] Syncing RubySpec and mspec

Hey all!

I’ve been talking with Jim via email about helping with syncing
IronRuby’s copy of RubySpec and mspec with the official repos. I’v
started work on pulling in the latest RubySpec changes. These also
require the latest mspec. Well, it looks like the default.mspec file is
no longer compatible with the latest version of mspec.

My integration branch is here:
And the errors I’m getting when running mspec are here:

I have very little knowledge of mspec, and googling for the error brings
up older posts from this list saying not to use that version of mspec.
So, maybe someone who knows more about it could take a look?


Will G.

So, the tags are of 3 classes:

· Fails: delete and regenerate (below)

· Unstable and thread: leave these alone. They indicate ones
that are non-deterministic

· Critical: these indicate specs that cause hangs, process
teardown, or corrupt future tests (I don’t think we have any of this
last one anymore). These must be looked at one by one to see if they
still cause a hang, etc. If they do, leave them. If the test
successfully fails or passes, you can delete the critical tag and allow
it to run as part of the normal regeneration
For the rest, you are pretty much right. After doing the above (note,
probably use grep to find what files to keep (last 2 points) and delete
all other files) run the command:
mspec tag -Gcritical -Gunstable -Gthread for whatever break up of
Areas you want. In the past I’ve broken down to folder level
(core/array, core/dir, etc.), but you should be good just breaking it
down to :core, :lib, :lang, :thread and :cli. This command regenerates
the new fails tags and creates the necessary folder structure.

Finally, run mspec ci which should give a clean pass. If you want to
parallelize it, you can kick off mspec ci :core, mspec ci :lib, etc and
let each section run on its own. These should have clean runs.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Will G.
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 7:19 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Ironruby-core] Syncing RubySpec and mspec

That did it. I’ll have to be more careful with merging that particular
file in the future.

Now, how do I go about updating the tags? Is it the following, or do I
need to go through some specs manually?

tag rubyspec

BTW, I get a StackOverflowException on of of the specs, which kills the
spec run before they all finish. :-/

Will G.

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Jim D.
<[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
Inside of the MSpec in our tree, I have added a filtered method to
(I believe). You’ll need to get that method merged into your branch to
user our config.


[email protected]mailto:[email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]]
On Behalf Of Will G.
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 9:17 PM
To: ironruby-core
Subject: [Ironruby-core] Syncing RubySpec and mspec

Hey all!

I’ve been talking with Jim via email about helping with syncing
IronRuby’s copy of RubySpec and mspec with the official repos. I’v
started work on pulling in the latest RubySpec changes. These also
require the latest mspec. Well, it looks like the default.mspec file is
no longer compatible with the latest version of mspec.

My integration branch is here:
And the errors I’m getting when running mspec are here:

I have very little knowledge of mspec, and googling for the error brings
up older posts from this list saying not to use that version of mspec.
So, maybe someone who knows more about it could take a look?


Will G.

Ironruby-core mailing list
[email protected]mailto:[email protected]