Hi there,
I’m having some difficulties finding some decent info on getting
Switchtower to function for my needs. I’ve read most of the
Switchtower doc on Peak Obsession,
however it’s not answering some potent questions I have.
- The doc mentions, as an example, using an SVN repos at
What if I only access my SVN repos through SSH? When you set the
repository in the deploy.rb file what do you put for this line?
set :repository, “http://svn.switchtower.com/flipper/trunk”
I would ‘normally’ access my repository like this:
svn co svn+ssh://[email protected]/home/svn/repos/app app
- The second question I have is when dealing with defining the roles
in the deploy.rb file. I run all my development on non-standard ports
(because my ISP blocks the standard ports… grrr!). The example they
used was the following:
role :app, “simple.switchtower.com”
role :web, “simple.switchtower.com”
role :db, “simple.switchtower.com”
I have yet to experiment because of trying to figure out question 1’s
issues. But, once I get that working, would the following work if all
of them were running on port 45000 as an example?
role :app, “simple.switchtower.com:45000”
role :web, “simple.switchtower.com:45000”
role :db, “simple.switchtower.com:45000”
- I’m using Lighttpd currently as my server. Am I going to have to
get Apache working so I can use Switchtower?
Sorry for all the noobie questions!
Dave H.