Switchtower Error

This is my deploy file

set :application, “varcasa stage”
set :repository, “file:///c:/svnrepo/thenali/trunk”




You can define any number of roles, each of which contains any number


machines. Roles might include such things as :web, or :app, or :db,


what the purpose of each machine is. You can also specify options that


be used to single out a specific subset of boxes in a particular role,


:primary => true.

role :web, “varcasa.com
role :app, “varcasa.com

When I try to do “setup” from my local system I am getting this

rake aborted!
getaddrinfo: no address associated with hostname.
./lib/tasks/switchtower.rake:17:in `switchtower_invoke’

Any Ideas?

–Siva J.
My First Rails Project. Powered by Typo and soon by RForum too

Siva J. wrote:

This is my deploy file

set :application, “varcasa stage”
set :repository, “file:///c:/svnrepo/thenali/trunk”

During deployment a source code checkout (or export) is needed from the
deployment machine. This is not possible if our repository is accessible
only trough the local “file://”.

On Jan 31, 2006, at 10:17 PM, Siva J. wrote:

This is my deploy file

set :application, “varcasa stage”
set :repository, “file:///c:/svnrepo/thenali/trunk”

SwitchTower does not work with file:// repositories. Please use
svn://, svn+ssh://, or http://.

  • Jamis

On Wednesday, February 01, 2006, at 7:06 AM, Jamis B. wrote:

  • Jamis

It is not the case in this setup but ‘file://’ should work if the
repository and the server are on the same host. In fact that was the
only way I could make it work without the need to enter the password
during the deployment.


My server is hosted by Dreamhost and subversion is running in my local

When I started my subversion server and changed my svn repository

set :repository, http://localhost/thenali/trunk

It prompted me for password. but when I entered my password for the
Rake just aborted without giving any error message

Having --verbose option didnt help either

any idea?!

On 1 Feb 2006 15:35:59 -0000, Roustem K. [email protected]

SwitchTower does not work with file:// repositories. Please use svn:/

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–Siva J.
My First Rails Project. Powered by Typo and soon by RForum too

oh okay that makes sense

I will try to give my ip address and try later this evenin and let you

–Siva J.
My First Rails Project.
Education Through Collabration

On Wednesday, February 01, 2006, at 12:50 PM, Siva J. wrote:

Having --verbose option didnt help either

any idea?!


Unfortunately, this configuration will not work for you – there is not
way for Dreamhost server to connect to your repository if you specify

You need to use real domain name. To validate that your repository name
is correct, you should be able to run 'svn checkout
’ command on the Dreamhost server.


Still I have no success with SWitchtower setup in Dreamhost.

I have no idea what I am doing wrong.

My setup

Stage Domain → stage.varcasa.com
Prod Domain → varcasa.com

StageDB → varcasatest
ProdDB → varcasa

Production is running some dispatch.fcgi processes.

I want to first test in stage and then move to production.

My deploy.rb

set :user, ‘sivajag’

set :application, “varcasa”
set :repository, "
svn+ssh://[email protected]/home/sivajag/svn/varcasa/varcasa"
role :web, “stage.varcasa.com
role :app, “stage.varcasa.com
role :db, “stage.varcasa.com”, :primary => true

set :deploy_to, “/home/#{user}/stage.varcasa.com”

desc “Restart the FCGI processes on the app server as a regular user.”

task :restart, :roles => :app do
#run “killall -9 dispatch.fcgi”
run “chmod 771 #{current_path}/script/process/*”
run “#{current_path}/script/process/reaper”

I want to setup stage without restarting prod dispatch.fcgi processes.

rake setup > run successfully and setup files on remote environment

rake deploy > failed

this is the error I am getting

[stage.varcasa.com] executing command
[out :: stage.varcasa.com] Couldn’t find any process matching:
command finished

I have no idea

badly need help… my production date has been moved becoz of this

–Siva J.
My First Rails Project.
Education Through Collabration

On 2/1/06, Siva J. [email protected] wrote:

Education Through Collabration

–Siva J.
My First Rails Project.
Education Through Collabration

I am running ruby 1.8.2 (2005-04-11) [i386-linux] in dreamhost

I have no idea what I am missing

On 2/14/06, Jamis B. [email protected] wrote:

executing "chmod 771 /home/sivajag/stage.varcasa.com/current/script/
[out :: stage.varcasa.com] Couldn’t find any process matching: /
I have no idea
appear to do this.

  • Jamis

Rails mailing list
[email protected]

–Siva J.
My First Rails Project.
Education Through Collabration

On Feb 14, 2006, at 8:35 AM, Siva J. wrote:

I am running ruby 1.8.2 (2005-04-11) [i386-linux] in dreamhost

I have no idea what I am missing


I’m not clear on what the problem is. The output of your script looks
fine to me, but I’m not a Dreamhost user and so may not know what a
correctly Dreamhost deployment ought to look like.

Any dreamhost users out there that care to comment?

  • Jamis

On Feb 13, 2006, at 9:41 PM, Siva J. wrote:

processing command
[out :: stage.varcasa.com] Couldn’t find any process matching: /
[out :: stage.varcasa.com] Couldn’t find any process matching: /
command finished

I have no idea

badly need help… my production date has been moved becoz of this


Please note that the 'Couldn’t find any process matching" is not an
error–only an informational message indicating that you don’t have a
spinner process running. What version of Rails are you using? Older
versions of the reaper would basically tell the spinner process to
“speed up” it’s polling during a deployment. Current versions do not
appear to do this.

  • Jamis

On Feb 14, 2006, at 9:41 AM, Jamis B. wrote:

On Feb 14, 2006, at 8:35 AM, Siva J. wrote:

I am running ruby 1.8.2 (2005-04-11) [i386-linux] in dreamhost

Also, what version of Rails are you running? (Not Ruby, but the Rails
framework itself.)

  • Jamis

I am using Rails 1.0.0

Switchtower did checkout all my files from SVN and created needed
struct in my remote system. It is failing to start dispatch.fcgi.

So I tried to run manually dispatch.fcgi, I am getting a internal 500
I looked into logs nothin is avialable

On 2/14/06, Jamis B. [email protected] wrote:

  • Jamis

Any dreamhost users out there that care to comment?

processing command
command finished

Rails mailing list
Education Through Collabration

Rails mailing list
[email protected]

–Siva J.
My First Rails Project.
Education Through Collabration

During deployment a source code checkout (or export) is needed from the
deployment machine. This is not possible if our repository is accessible
only trough the local “file://”.

I am wondering how far one can go without using SwitchTower.I simply
the files on to the server (naive I know ).SwitchTower seems to need a
repository.I think most people have a local copy of the source which
want to deploy on a host.I dont see any reason why SwitchTower mandates
svn repository.Cant it just copy files from the local repository to the


On Feb 19, 2006, at 1:10 AM, Vivek K. wrote:

copy of the source which they want to deploy on a host.I dont see
any reason why SwitchTower mandates a svn repository.Cant it just
copy files from the local repository to the host?

Sure it can, but you’ll need to write the tasks to do that yourself.

The reason for the use of svn is that is the way we do it at
37signals. Not everyone will do it that way, but it has worked well
for us.

If you write tasks for other deployment approaches, please do share

  • Jamis

On Feb 19, 2006, at 12:10 AM, Vivek K. wrote:

I am wondering how far one can go without using SwitchTower.

I imagine you can go completely crazy. :slight_smile:

I simply copy the files on to the server (naive I
know ).SwitchTower seems to need a svn repository.I think most
people have a local copy of the source which they want to deploy on
a host.
I dont see any reason why SwitchTower mandates a svn
repository.Cant it just copy files from the local repository to the

SwitchTower, out of the box, mandates a repository, and not just a
Subversion repository but also supports CVS, Bazaar, Bazaar NG, and

It does this because it’s “The Right Way to Do It”

When I first encountered version control, ala CVS in 1999 or so, I
thought it was a big drag and extra overhead that would serve no
purpose. I
resisted its implementation for a month or so until the person who
was advocating its use finally went ahead and sucked out code in and
a demonstration of it’s use.

In five minutes’ time, I was absolutely smitten, and wished I had
been using it since 1978. Where had CVS been my whole life? I now had
ability to know what I had done and where I was at, EVEN WHEN IT WAS
JUST ME WRITING CODE. All of the other benefits of version control
took a bit longer to sink it, but the ability to isolate changes
(branch), remember release points (tag), work fluidly with co-workers
ever losing code, hack as aggressively as I wanted to without fear of
losing what worked previously, and a complete freedom from ever worrying
about making copies with names like file.old, file.date, file,bak,
etc. is just something I’ll never work without again.

Take a few minutes to get your code into Subversion and you’ll be
happy you did.

Programmers should NOT work without version control.

When Rails was pre 1.0, there was a lot of stress after each release
with people not being sure how to gracefully upgrade their source trees
to the new version. Those of us under version control had no such

  1. Commit all changes
  2. Run upgrade
  3. Run diff to see what changed
  4. Pick and choose the changes we wanted

The benefits just go on and on…

– Tom M.

I agree, I have my servers in a colo and my svn repository behind the
firewall in my
office, so the colo can’t access the svn repository.

I am looking at doing a deploy method in switchtower that will copy the
source tree from
a local directory to the target servers, if you had svn locally it would
do an svn
export to a local temporary directory, then copy the results to the

If I get this done I’ll give it to Jamis for consideration for inclusion
in the next