SwitchTower and SCGI

Hi !

Following the manual, section 2.6 describes how to replace the restart
task. Since I’m using Lighttpd and SCGI, I did the following:

desc “Restart the web server”
task :restart, :roles => :app do
sudo “cd #{deploy_to}/#{current} && scgi_cluster stop <
sudo “cd #{deploy_to}/#{current} && scgi_cluster start”

Is it normal that I have to build the path myself ? Is there a
variable that’s not mentionned anywhere that returns the whole path at
once, instead of having to build it myself, piecemeal ?

If not, I know I can build it myself, using a Proc, near the start of

Thanks !

Hi !

2006/1/13, Francois B. [email protected]:

Following the manual, section 2.6 describes how to replace the restart
task. Since I’m using Lighttpd and SCGI, I did the following:

I know, bad form to reply to self, but I already know about my
current_dir error. I also found in the manual release_path, which is
what I was searching for.

Sorry for the noise.

Where should additions to the manual be posted ?

Bye !

On Jan 13, 2006, at 5:52 PM, Francois B. wrote:

Sorry for the noise.

Where should additions to the manual be posted ?

Please post them to the rails trac as enhancements to SwitchTower.


  • Jamis