I’m converting some old blocks I wrote for ~3.5 gnuradio APIs to 3.7. I
have a block that
calculates the MER of an incoming signal - this block is a synchronous
decimator, and
the make function takes a constellation_sptr and decimation rate as
mer::make(gr::digital::constellation_sptr mod_const, int decim_rate)
return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr (new mer_impl(mod_const,
Note, I’m using gr_modtool to rough out all the details of building a
template & associated build system scaffolding.
To test, I’m trying to pass in a constellation_rect_sptr, which is a
of the constellation class. The relevant code snippet is this:
def make_qam_constellation(pts):
return gr_qam.qam_constellation(constellation_points=pts,
When I pass in the constellation_rect_sptr, like this:
from myqam import *
from qam_demod import mer
import gnuradio
c = make_qam_constellation(256)
print "type© = ", type©
print "type(c.base()) = ", type(c.base())
m = mer(c.base(), 4096)
the swig type checker is throwing out the c.base() input:
type© = <class
type(c.base()) = <class
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/rick/Z/test_mer.py”, line 9, in
m = mer(c.base(), 4096)
95, in make
return _qam_demod_swig.mer_make(*args, **kwargs)
TypeError: in method ‘mer_make’, argument 1 of type
‘gr::digital::constellation_sptr’ <<<<<
Just looking at the output from the two type() statements, the types
proper, though
the dotted notation vs ‘::’ is interesting.
I notice that Ben R. posted a very similar issue back in 2010. I
the same problem
at the time, and resolved it via using the .base() method, apparently
as he did. I suspect
this issue, while similar, may have something to do with 3.7’s use of
namespaces, and some
of the complexity of SWIG’s processing of namespace. I’m a definite
neophyte, and
perhaps I’m just missing something obvious, or at least I hope so.
Has anyone run into this issue and found a resolution? Looking at the
files in the distribution
didn’t provide much in the way of inspiration as to how to solve the
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Rick S.