Swiftiply is a fast backend agnostic clustering proxy for web
that is specifically designed to support HTTP traffic from web
New in this release, other than some bugfixes and performance tweaks,
three notable items:
Built in static file handling and Rails page cache handling. This
should, for many applications, simplify and accelerate deployment
considerably, as it can eliminate the need for a traditional web server
front of the application. -
Redeployable requests. If a backend is handling a request, and that
backend goes down before it returns a response to the request, Swiftiply
can redeploy the request to the next available backend node, ensuring
the request is handled. -
HUP handling. Change your configuration to add or remove proxy
destinations, and you can just HUP Swiftiply to have it reload the
The documentation has mostly been updated to reflect these changes,
there are some sample configurations being added soon.
Around the beginning of next week I will release 0.6.2 that will contain
some further enhancements to the static file handling, so that HTTP
caching directives are properly handled.
Kirk H.