Swf object works on firefox and chrome but not on IE

Dear all

As usual I face dozens of problems on IE, everythings i create works
fine on both chrome and firefox but not always on IE.

This time I am using swfobject to display flash banners on my site.
The banner works fine on firefox and chrome but it displays the error
message on IE.

Anyone faced this problem or knows a solution

Is there another way of displaying swf files


I have the same problem. It work with IE 7 but not IE 8. I’m using the
swfupload, and the button sometimes shows and sometimes not.

Are you sure that you are using the lastest version of swfupload?
There are issues with flash versions and swfupload.

This is how I setup mine

<%= render :partial => 'shared/static_page' %>

Works across all browsers…

On Aug 26, 10:06 am, Penelope W. [email protected]