We now pass 1541/2468 specs (62%).
A bunch of String specs were re-enabled since we no longer crash when
parsing them. Work is still ongoing to start running the trunk rubinius
specs, but we need some more features in the libs first (the rubinius
spec rewrite uses some standard libraries that we don’t fully support
ENV is now partially implemented - you can evaluate environment
variables correctly now.
A bunch of regex functionality (still using .NET regex) is enabled - =~,
sub,gsub etc. are now implemented in this release.
There was a split in the way the DLR is organized.
Microsoft.Scripting.Core.dll is the DLR, and Microsoft.Scripting.dll are
where libraries like the Math libraries for the DLR will live from now
With a new version out, I thought I’d try again to see how far I could
get gems setup.rb to run …
missing method Regex.quote
- see implementation in attached patch
Exception thrown in ModuleOps.Evaluate - “We need ScriptCode.Run to
be public”
- uncommented the excluded code and made ScriptCode.Run public
Time.to_i not implemented
- applied Eric N.'s patch
Time.gmt_offset not implemented
- see implementation in attached patch (includes Eric’s patch)
MutableString.intern not implemented
- aliased MutableString.to_sym to intern
Exception thrown stating that “>= 0” is an illformed requirement
- case statement failed because Regex.=== wasn’t implemented,
see implementation in attached patch
The regular expression still doesn’t match due to a regular
expression substitution problem
- the following simple example illustrates the problem (it
should match but doesn’t):
x = /a/
regex = /#{x}/
puts regex =~ ‘a’
Cheers, Wayne.
Attached is a fix to my hastily implemented Regexp.quote method
( I returned a string rather than a MutableString)
It now passes the tests in Specs\core\regexp\quote_spec.rb
Cheers, Wayne.
From: [email protected]
[[email protected]] On Behalf Of Wayne K.
[[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, 9 April 2008 5:51 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Ironruby-core] running gems setup.rb with revision93
With a new version out, I thought I’d try again to see how far I could
get gems setup.rb to run …
- missing method Regex.quote
- see implementation in attached patch
Wayne K.:
Attached is a fix to my hastily implemented Regexp.quote method ( I
returned a string rather than a MutableString)
Cool. Thanks!
FYI I’m working on doing an integration of Peter Bacon D.'s awesome
port of JOni (called IrOni(!)) into our regex code, so I’m filling out
the implementation of Regexp now.