I just pushed SVN r118 out which contains RubySpec integration. There
are a few things that you’ll need to do:
(Optional) get a GitHub account (http://github.com)
(Optional) install GIT:
a. Goto the msysgit project and download the .exe based installer:
b. Make sure in the GIT setup that you click on the radio button
labeled “Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt”
c. Restart your command prompt
Navigate to my page: http://github.com/jflam to see the three
GIT projects that you’ll need to clone: ironruby-tags, mspec, and
rubyspec. mspec and rubyspec are forks of the main projects so that we
can add IronRuby specific tests and potential changes to mspec. The
RubySpec committers can pull from these repositories to incorporate our
changes. ironruby-tags is a project that contains the list of rubyspec
specs that we currently exclude to get a clean regression baseline.
If you have GIT installed, create a directory to hold these
projects. I use %USERPROFILE%\dev:
a. in ~\dev\ironruby-tags run: git clone
b. in ~\dev\mspec run: git clone git://github.com/jflam/mspec.git
c. in ~\dev\rubyspec run: git clone
If you don't have GIT installed (and why don't you??? :)) you
can download the tarball using the download button in each project.
Once you have those projects in place, you’ll need to grab r118 from
RubyForge. There’s a file in \trunk called runfirst.cmd. This will
enable skip verification for projects signed with our public key, and it
will create a default configuration file at %USERPROFILE%.irconfig.rb.
If you followed my instructions and created
%USERPROFILE%\dev[ironruby-tags,mspec,rubyspec] you’re good to go. If
you didn’t, you’ll need to edit the paths in .irconfig.rb
You can test your setup by running the new regression test baseline rake
rake regression
This should report 0 failures and 0 errors.
This is the first test of this stuff outside of my machine, so please
kick the tires!