I am using running rails using instant rails and was trying to install
the acts_as_ferret plugin located at svn://site_ad. I have a SVN
cleint on my machine tortoise but I can not get the pug in to install.
i type the typical command and it does not do anything.
ruby script/plugin install
on a related note, if i dl the plugin and want to install it form a
local location i can get the command to recognize the location of the
plugin script/plugin install c:/directory/sub_d/acts_as_ferret
any suggestions out there?
On Sep 5, 2:24 am, “tashfeen.ekram” [email protected] wrote:
any suggestions out there?
On Sep 2, 9:58 am, “tashfeen.ekram” [email protected] wrote:
I am using running rails using instant rails and was trying to install
the acts_as_ferret plugin located atsvn://site_ad. I have aSVN
cleint on my machine tortoise but I can not get the pug in to install.
i type the typical command and it does not do anything.
But do you have a command line svn client ? Can you run
from the command prompt?
Plan B to install a plugin would be.
Download the entire plugin into your /vendor folder. You wont get the
SVN advantage.
On Sep 5, 12:41 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]
Hi tashfeen: I just recently submitted a rubygem for installing
subprojects. If you’d like, you could try it to see if it works. It
should at least give you an error message if it fails. (I don’t know
why script/plugin install wouldn’t give you an error though, makes me
think something strange is happening.)
this is what you’d do, from your main application’s directory (not
from vendor/plugins)
gem install ext
ext install
It will automatically realize you’re using subversion, and also
automatically realize it’s a rails app and that acts_as_ferret belongs
in vendor/plugins.
If you try it out and it winds up failing, I’d be interested in
knowing what error message you get.
Thanks for the replies!
I did nto realize you can install a plugin by just putting in the
vendor directory. that makes it pretty easy. just for future ref why
does not the following command find the plugin:
ruby script/plugin install c:/directory/sub_d/acts_as_ferret
I guess my original prob is that i do not have svn available from the
command line. i have SVN from tortoise for windows that comes with the
nice ui but i guess not command line svn. any recs for one?
Miles I tired your gem and got the below:
C:\ror\rails_apps\project>ext install
init': Could not determine this projects scm (RuntimeError) from C:/ror/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ext-0.0.8/bin/../lib/ externals/e xt.rb:284:in
from C:/ror/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ext-0.0.8/bin/…/lib/
xt.rb:154:in send' from C:/ror/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ext-0.0.8/bin/../lib/ externals/e xt.rb:154:in
from C:/ror/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ext-0.0.8/bin/…/lib/
xt.rb:153:in chdir' from C:/ror/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ext-0.0.8/bin/../lib/ externals/e xt.rb:153:in
from C:/ror/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ext-0.0.8/bin/ext:5
from C:/ror/ruby/bin/ext:19:in `load’
from C:/ror/ruby/bin/ext:19
oh, is your main project not managed by git or subversion? That’s
interesting, I hadn’t really thought about that.
Thanks for trying it and reporting back the error message.
ext tries to add the plugin to the ignore feature of your main
project. If it can’t tell what scm the main project is, it can’t do
that and it bails out.
I’ll consider adding an option to not update the ignore when using
install, but for now it sounds like ext isn’t a good choice for how
you’re currently managing/deploying your application.
Thanks again for the feedback tashfeen!
Oh, as for command line subversion clients for windows, the one I use
is this one:
but, you could also try this one: