Before I go on the long search in my svn book does anyone have any
insight into how to deploy Radiant (mental) as an svn:externals
blended with a few extensions in my own repository?
The goal is simply to not have to strip Radiant of it’s own version
control (the ol’ “find . -type d -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} ;”) as I
do now, but to leave it in it’s own world while injecting my own
version controlled extensions… All accessible as one checkout for
my capistrano recipe.
Is this something I gonna be able to accomplish or should I give-up
before trying?
Loren J.
Loren J. wrote:
Is this something I gonna be able to accomplish or should I give-up
before trying?
I’m working on getting this to work before the next release:
% radiant /path/to/your/application
% rake radiant:freeze:edge
This will create a skeletal Radiant application and allow you to run on
“edge” with Radiant in the vendor directory.
It’s only partially implemented right now. We are hoping to release
Saturday night.
John L.
Looks like
answers my question.
Thanks once again to Sean for this!
You might want to check out svk:
I’ve been looking at it for the same/similar purposes as you
describe. Finding good docs is hard tho.
After a while I found this note which can be tailored to fit radiant
pretty easily:
What I was looking for was a way to hack on my own (or clients) copy
of Radiant, but bring the latest changes in as needed. It seems to
work pretty well, you still have to be careful with the merges, but
you don’t have to clear the svn info like you described. I was able
to install svk with macports (if you are on a Mac).
Feel free to email me if you need more details,
You might want to check out svk:
Best Practical Solutions: The open-source ticketing system
I’ve found that SVK is the way to go as well. This is just a vouching
type email 
p.s: other folks using SVK should also check out Piston as an
excellent workaround for svn:externals. It is also a good replacement
for externals generally, since it speeds up all svn commands and
doesn’t lock you into the bleeding edge for projects without tags.
On Feb 3, 2007, at 9:26 AM, Adam S. wrote:
You might want to check out svk:
Best Practical Solutions: The open-source ticketing system
I’ve found that SVK is the way to go as well. This is just a vouching
type email 
adam williams