My changes went in this morning, so I have pushed SVN 183 and Git
revision 69815c7.
Two things:
Git may be in a bad state due to CRLF issues and casing. Can I
get a confirmation that it compiles and runs?
This release includes support for local variables in the ir
console. Enjoy 
I get svn.exe error…on Mac + Mono
Macintosh-2:Ruby Jirapong$ rake compile mono=1 --trace
(in /Users/Jirapong/ironruby/merlin/main/Languages/Ruby)
** Invoke compile (first_time)
** Invoke happy (first_time)
** Execute happy
Cannot find svn.exe on system path.
***** Missing commands! You must have the .NET redist and the SDK
***** (for resgen.exe) installed. If you are synchronizing source
***** trees inside Microsoft, you must have both tfs.exe and
***** svn.exe on your path.
Macintosh-2:Ruby Jirapong$ vim
believe that need to fix line#107 in rake/misc.rake
104 task :happy do
105 IronRuby.source_context do
106 commands = !mono? ? [‘resgen.exe’, ‘csc.exe’] : [‘resgen’,
107 commands += [‘svn.exe’] if IronRuby.is_merlin? and !mono?