SVN and Cygwin--Error

I am facing problem with installing grc, so i decided to download from
trunk which has grc available. When i put the following command

svn co gnuradio

I get the error
svn: OPTIONS of ‘’: Could not
name `’: Unknown host (
The svn i am using is subversion 1.5.1-1 installed through cygwin.exe
I am connected to the internet through LAN in my college.

Could this be DNS problem or what??
Looking for help

yes, it seems like a dns problem…
try going to from your browser
by the way, which country are you in?

Dimitris S.
“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with
a mosquito!” - Amnesty International

I live in Pakistan and i can access all right through my
browser. I followed all the guideline from this site while installing
gnuradio. I will ask my IT personnel in my uni to resolve this issue.
to all for advice!!

*yes, it seems like a dns problem…