Hi all,
UHD host library generates prints on the stdout. For example on each
retune I get something like:
– Tune Request: 959.000000 MHz
– The RF LO does not support the requested frequency:
– Requested LO Frequency: 959.000000 MHz
– RF LO Result: 958.998779 MHz
– Attempted to use the DSP to reach the requested frequency:
– Desired DSP Frequency: -0.001221 MHz
– DSP Result: -0.001221 MHz
– Successfully tuned to 959.000000 MHz
These prints are sometimes cluttering the console - especially when
someone wants to use console to print other useful information.
There is possibility to disable them in UHD from the level of C++:
(“Disabling or redirecting prints to stdout”)
Is it possible to disable the prints from GNU Radio?
Best Regards,
Piotr K.