The ‘i’ in your method is local to the method. It is not the same ‘i’
as outside the method.
Instead, do
def add(i,j)
i = i + j
i = 1
puts i
i = add(i,3)
puts i
Thanks for that, but I was looking for a way of passing by address. In
fact I thought that, because everything was an object in Ruby everything
was always passed by address. I would like to understand when it is not
the case.
Thanks for that, but I was looking for a way of passing by address. In
fact I thought that, because everything was an object in Ruby everything
was always passed by address. I would like to understand when it is not
the case.
Then you need to use instance variables such as ‘@i’, or class variables
such as ‘@@i’. Ruby doesn’t support the use of pointers (as far as I
know at least).
Thanks for that, but I was looking for a way of passing by address. In
fact I thought that, because everything was an object in Ruby everything
was always passed by address. I would like to understand when it is not
the case.
def i, j
i[0] = i[0] + j
You will notice that the previous method requires i to be an Array.
The ‘i’ in your method is local to the method. It is not the same ‘i’
as outside the method.
Instead, do
def add(i,j)
i = i + j
i = 1
puts i
i = add(i,3)
puts i
Thanks for that, but I was looking for a way of passing by address. In
fact I thought that, because everything was an object in Ruby everything
was always passed by address.
The number 1 is an object. The variable i is not an object; it is a
placeholder which contains a reference to the object.
Object references are always passed by value. You can never get a
pointer to the placeholder.
This means that foo(i) cannot affect the value of i, because inside the
method it’s using a copy of that reference. If i refers to a mutable
object, then the object itself can alter its state, but the reference
does not change.
def a(x, y)
x << y
i = “hello”
a(i, “x”)
puts i # “hellox” - but it’s the same string object
i = 3
a(i, 1) # calculates and returns 3 << 1 (=6)
puts i # but i is still the same Fixnum object (=3)
Then you need to use instance variables such as ‘@i’, or class variables
such as ‘@@i’. Ruby doesn’t support the use of pointers (as far as I
know at least).
I would say rather on the contrary. Everything is a pointer but you
can reassign a variable in a new pointing direction without affecting
the previously pointed object. See
def add(a,b)
=> nil
s = “string”
=> “string”
=> “string_added”
=> “string_added”
Here, the add method does not reassign variable a but send a message
to the object where a is pointing, saying that it should change it’s
Of course, that would not work for a Fixnum, as those are immutable in
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