Sup 0.10 released

I’m pleased to announce the release of Sup 0.10. This version is
frickin’ awesome because not only do we have Ruby 1.9 support, the
Xapian backend is now the default! The next version will discard Ferret
like a used rag.

Sup is a console-based email client for people with a lot of email.
It supports tagging, very fast full-text search, automatic contact-
list management, and more. If you’re the type of person who treats
email as an extension of your long-term memory, Sup is for you.

Get it: gem install sup
Learn it:
Love it: [email protected]

Release notes:

The Xapian backend is now the default. Convert your old, crash-prone
Ferret index to Xapian by running sup-convert-ferret-index.

Using a Ferret backend will produce a deprecation notice, and will not
supported in 0.11.

Many thanks to Rich Lane for Xapian and Ruby 1.9 work.

Excitement in 0.10:

  • Make Xapian backend the default, and add deprecation notice to Ferret
  • Now Ruby 1.9 compatible (Xapian backend only).
  • Changes are now saved automatically to the index. Pressing “$” now
    forces a flush of Xapian indexes, which can minimize quit time.
  • Fix problem with replying to Google G. messages.
  • Allow toggling of line wrap. Useful for long URLs.
  • Multiple attachments can be added at once by specifying a wildcard.
  • New command to save all attachments at once.
  • As always, many bugfixes and tweaks.


On 2010-01-25 01:45, William M. wrote:

I’m pleased to announce the release of Sup 0.10. This version is
frickin’ awesome because not only do we have Ruby 1.9 support, the
Xapian backend is now the default! The next version will discard Ferret
like a used rag.

Sup is a console-based email client for people with a lot of email.
It supports tagging, very fast full-text search, automatic contact-
list management, and more. If you’re the type of person who treats
email as an extension of your long-term memory, Sup is for you.

Looks very nice so far - maybe I will change from Mutt for remote

One problem - how do I change the colour scheme? - I am getting white on
white for the “To:” field . .



Philip R.

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW 2001
E-mail: [email protected]

The Xapian backend is now the default. Convert your old, crash-prone
Ferret index to Xapian by running sup-convert-ferret-index.

It looks like the Xapian gem is not installed by default as a
dependency for Sup. This causes an error when trying to run sup-config
after installing sup.

On 10-01-24 23:45, William M. wrote:

I’m pleased to announce the release of Sup 0.10. This version is
frickin’ awesome because not only do we have Ruby 1.9 support, the
Xapian backend is now the default!


It seems that sup is still having ncurses as dependency, but this gem
build with Ruby 1.9.1. The ncursesw seems to me more suitable (and
builds with
Ruby 1.9.1).


William M. wrote:

I’m pleased to announce the release of Sup 0.10. This version is
frickin’ awesome because not only do we have Ruby 1.9 support, the
Xapian backend is now the default! The next version will discard Ferret
like a used rag.

I had issues installing xapian-full gem on my ubuntu box running MRI
ruby1.8. The installation fails building native extension even if it
seems that all the C stuff get compiled correctly. BTW, I solved the
issue in this way:

sudo gem install xapian-full
cd /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/xapian-full-1.1.3/
sudo rake build
sudo mv xapian-full.gemspec …/…/specifications/

andrea@ubuntu-desktop:~$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require ‘rubygems’
=> true
irb(main):002:0> require ‘xapian’
=> true

Thanks for this great software!


Andrea F. wrote:

sudo rake build

I meant

sudo rake gemspec

of course



On 2010-01-25 05:52, Philip R. wrote:

It supports tagging, very fast full-text search, automatic contact-
list management, and more. If you’re the type of person who treats
email as an extension of your long-term memory, Sup is for you.

Looks very nice so far - maybe I will change from Mutt for remote access.

One problem - how do I change the colour scheme? - I am getting white on
white for the “To:” field . .

Fixed - I found:



Philip R.

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW 2001
E-mail: [email protected]

Reformatted excerpts from Andrea F.'s message of 2010-01-25:

I had issues installing xapian-full gem on my ubuntu box running MRI
ruby1.8. The installation fails building native extension even if it
seems that all the C stuff get compiled correctly.

Thanks for the report. This is fixed in the very latest xapian-full gem,
and I’ve published sup-10.2 to pull this in. (Plus some more minor

Reformatted excerpts from Nicolas Martyanoff’s message of 2010-01-25:

It seems that sup is still having ncurses as dependency, but this gem
doesn’t build with Ruby 1.9.1. The ncursesw seems to me more suitable
(and builds with Ruby 1.9.1).

Also fixed in 10.2. Give it a whirl. Thanks!