Sup 0.0.8 Released

Sup version 0.0.8 has been released!

Sup is a console-based email client that combines the best
features of GMail, mutt, and emacs. Sup matches the power of GMail
with the speed and simplicity of a console interface.


== 0.0.8 / 2007-04-01

  • Maildir support!
  • New command: sup-config. Interactively walks you through everything
    you need to get up and running.
  • Now proactive about notifying users of de-synced sources.
  • Renamed sup-import => sup-sync with a brand new, less illogical
  • Added a sup-dump, to enable backing up and rebuilding indices from
    scratch (e.g. when Ferret upgrades break index formats).
  • More bugfixes. Will they ever end?