Summer Reboot - Documentation Update

Hi Everyone,

It’s 1st Aug (already in some parts of the world and the remaining will
follow soon), so I thought I’d send out a brief update and request to

[1] As you (may) know, Summer Reboot is targeted as being the starting
point documentation for Radiant in the future and so far, we’ve come up
with a list of documents that we’d like to create and some authors have
claimed some of the articles as things that they would like to write. A
few articles are already up!

If you feel there should be more topics, please edit the home page
of the documentation to add it in
If you feel you can write some of it, please claim, write and
Current authors/ claimants: THANKS for your support.

[2] I understand that some (many? most?) of us are busy and are doing
this as a side-project/ free time effort, so I’m thankful to all of you
for that. That said, if you think you have some scribbled notes
electronically but don’t have the time to upload it, I’m willing to try
to do that. I don’t mind spending some time to push out more things.
I’ll rewrite what I get, try to replicate it on my side, capture some
screenshots and push it out as and when I have the time.

Contact me: tech {at} or mohits {at} with
what you have/ email
If you can do this TODAY (i.e. Friday), I shall try my best to push
out what you pass me during the weekend. Once the work week starts
again, it gets difficult :frowning:

[3] Everyone reads :slight_smile: Help us edit the wiki. Go to the site and see
the articles that are there. Take a read.

If there are grammatical errors/ missing words, please FIX it
If the explanation is not clear and you can rewrite a part of it,
please FIX it
If more information is needed and you can write it, please FIX it
If more information is needed and you can’t write it, please ADD
comments into the article, preferably in a color like orange to
distinguish it from the main text. Hopefully, someone can address it

[4] Ideas from the List: This list has some good ideas and bug fixes or
workarounds. If you have the time and spot something that really helps
you, go to the wiki and add in at least a small note to the related
article. For example, the article on Copy_Move at has this line at the bottom:

Known Problems
There seems to be a problem with using CopyMove with Radiant 0.6.7 in
the Development mode.
This problem does not occur when in Production mode.
A sample screenshot of the problem is at:

If you can, please add such stuff so that people know where to look and
when not to panic on ‘known problems’

[5] There was an offer by Zaheed Haque to help fund some of this
activity if it would help speed things up. If anyone has any ideas on
whether it would help, then please let us know. Else, we could use his
generosity (depending on the quantum) to do something like send a Rails
book to the article writers, etc. as a thank you :slight_smile:

Zaheed: you mentioned that you like the way the documents are
shaping up. Is there something specific that you need? We could see
how to prioritize that if needed. Also, for September, what kind of
documents do you actually need? A little more detail may help.

That’s all for now - remember we’re targeting 31st Aug as the date of
launch!! no pressure :smiley:

Thanks again, everyone! The Summer Reboot site is at:

8/1/2008 | 11:07 AM.

Mohit – Thanks for taking the lead on this project. You’ve done a great
job, as has everyone who has contributed so far.

I finally had the chance to sit down and start my end of the
documentation. Here’s my first page:

If you have any comments on my writing style, let me know if there is
anything I can improve. I hope to post a few more pages this weekend.

Since there are still a bunch of holes in the documentation list, I
think we should extend this project another month. Do you agree?

  • Dave

Hi David

David P. wrote:

Mohit – Thanks for taking the lead on this project. You’ve done a great
job, as has everyone who has contributed so far.

Thanks for the kind words - I’m just trying to contribute in the area
that I can :slight_smile:
I’m also happy that the community has taken this up - I guess when one
is charged with writing only as much as they can, it really does work!

I finally had the chance to sit down and start my end of the
documentation. Here’s my first page:

Thanks for the article David. This is one that I should have written
(as you notice that I asked the question that you linked to under ‘more
info’ - I had promised to write it up!)

Anyway, I took a quick look at it and there are 3 comments at this

  1. It’s quite well written and most of the material is there.
  2. I would like to add a couple of screen shots - I’m working on a new
    site for playing with some of the documentation ideas that have come in,
    so that might allow me to create the screenshots for it. So, I’ll do
    that in the next couple of days.
  3. I think there was a mention once about using the aggregation
    extension. It would be good to just mention that.

I shall take a closer look at it tomorrow - it’s 3:30AM here in
Singapore - and I’m working on inserting Radiant pages by using a
script… I’m close to it but want to get it done before I sleep (but no
later than another 15 min)

Oh, and we need to link to this one from the Summer Reboot page -
there’s a

If you have any comments on my writing style, let me know if there is
anything I can improve. I hope to post a few more pages this weekend.

Nope! No comments - it’s great and thanks in advance for the material
that’s coming.

Since there are still a bunch of holes in the documentation list, I
think we should extend this project another month. Do you agree?

  • Dave

I was thinking of a 2 to 4 week extension on the project life. We
should do it since contributions are going up right now and it would be
a shame to lose the momentum. If we’re targeting end of September now,
I guess we should look at the Table of Contents to see if something more
is needed.

8/30/2008 | 3:26 AM.

Mohit S. wrote:

  1. I think there was a mention once about using the aggregation
    extension. It would be good to just mention that.

Oh, and we need to link to this one from the Summer Reboot page

Thanks for the feedback Mohit. I’ve linked my article on the main Summer
Reboot page and will look into the aggregation extension soon and grab
some links. Feel free to add any screenshots you want – I don’t have a
dummy site setup yet, but I should do that this weekend when I write my
other articles.

  • Dave