Hello, I’m testing nginx and like it very much.
To make it perfect for my needs I am thinking about having someone code
“third-party” module for me.
If I get this done I’m obviously going to share it with the community,
it’s the
least I can do to give something back.
Since if I can’t get this module done I will have to use a commercial
closed-source webserver, I am willing to pay a “bounty” for this module.
I deeply apologize if this offends anyone, but since I know that a few
source projects are open to bounties and the majority accepts donations,
thought I’d ask.
I’d like to know how much should I expect to pay if I’m going to hire a
for this module. If anybody knows of someone I should talk to to get
this done
please let me know.
This module would have to help me with connection flooding and bandwidth
limiting. Here is what I’d like the module to do.
I’d like the module to be able to check for the following conditions:
- A single IP address that has retrieved more than megabytes
requests’ bodies) in seconds. - A single IP address that sent more than requests in
I think that there should be a parameter, , to define how many
addresses, are to be kept in memory, in a FIFO fashion.
Then if any of the above conditions is triggered I would like to have
executed a
list of custom commands, .
It should also be possible to use the offending IP address as a
parameter for
the custom commands.
In my case I would like to add a firewall rule to ban the offending IP
and an
email sent to the admin.
I would also like the possibility to limit the total bandwidth usage for
each IP
in kbytes/sec.
All of this should be doable at directory level, at worst at virtual
host level.
I know that nginx can limit the number of connections per IP and the
speed for
each connection but sadly this is not enough for me to handle abusers
hurting normal users’ performance.
Any consideration on such a module would be very appreciated.
Please don’t flame me if all this post seems rubbish to you
Thank you!