Could we turn on newlines to
rendering in Textile filter for
It seems to me that most applications for breaks at 80 chars or
whatever have long since passed.
My users are constantly confused by putting breaks into their text
and getting no breaks on the final page.
I’ve fixed this by putting the following in my textile_filter.rb file.
class RedCloth
Patch for RedCloth. Fixed in RedCloth r128 but _why hasn’t
released it yet.
def hard_break( text )
text.gsub!( /(.)\n(?!\n|\Z| ([#=]+(\s|$)|[{|]))/, "\1<br /
" ) if hard_breaks
class TextileFilter < TextFilter
description_file File.dirname(FILE) + “/…/textile.html”
def filter(text), [:hard_breaks] ).to_html
The fix for Redcloth comes from the rails wiki:
Adam S. wrote:
Could we turn on newlines to
rendering in Textile filter for
It seems to me that most applications for breaks at 80 chars or
whatever have long since passed.
Personally I don’t think so. If I edit my content with a normal editor
I want it to break at column 75. Furthermore, I may chose to render
the content not only as HTML but also as text as it was originally
edited. So I wouldn’t be happy if the Textile filter would render line
breaks differently than any other of my output filters.
My users are constantly confused by putting breaks into their text
and getting no breaks on the final page.
From a typographic point of view I don’t see the need for line breaks,
but maybe you can fill me in.
My users are constantly confused by putting breaks into
their text
and getting no breaks on the final page.
From a typographic point of view I don’t see the need for line breaks,
but maybe you can fill me in.
Agreed - the only time when my users have ever had the need for line
breaks was when they were quoting lyrics/poetry, which is a
rare enough occurrence that
ing is fine. Unless you’re intending on
having lots of lyrics/poetry, there’s not really much point
to having line-breaks.
A lot of the content on the site I run comes from emails, which tend to
be linewrapped by email clients, so not having hard breaks
is a feature for me.
Agreed - the only time when my users have ever had the need
for line breaks was when they were quoting lyrics/poetry, which is a
rare enough occurrence that
ing is fine.
Sounds to me like a typical application of pre-formatted text
Certainly, the default fixed width style would have to change.
Preformatted is different to line-broken in that preformatted text will
not wrap (though perhaps a white-space css rule can change
that without losing the line-breaking?)
Daniel S. wrote:
My users are constantly confused by putting breaks into
their text
and getting no breaks on the final page.
From a typographic point of view I don’t see the need for line breaks,
but maybe you can fill me in.
Agreed - the only time when my users have ever had the need for line breaks was when they were quoting lyrics/poetry, which is a
rare enough occurrence that
ing is fine.
Sounds to me like a typical application of pre-formatted text
Certainly, the default fixed width style would have to change.
On 4/19/07, Daniel S. [email protected] wrote:
Preformatted is different to line-broken in that preformatted text will
not wrap (though perhaps a white-space css rule can change
that without losing the line-breaking?)
Adam S. wrote:
It looks like I’m in the minority though, so I’m happy with the
workaround I’ve arranged.
You could easily put your changes in an extension.
Poetry is an application I hadn’t thought of, but generally with
address information as well.
I just find that there are no times when I encounter pre-wrapped
text… so it wouldn’t hurt to have it as an option.
And even I myself use paragraphs close together with some semantic
meaning, although this is a contrived example 
I agree with html interspersed it would be very messy and maybe
unusable, but what I have done is made a filter for “noobs” (aka my
users) and left the old filter for those who want all the other
features of Textile (aka me, I guess).
It looks like I’m in the minority though, so I’m happy with the
workaround I’ve arranged.