Subversion and rails?

Hello there,

I started using subversion with my rails application, but I’m stuck with
plugins, they are not added to my revision…

____$ svn add vendor/plugins/rspec
svn: warning: ‘vendor/plugins/rspec’ is already under version control
____$ svn commit -m “added again plugin”
Adding vendor/plugins
Adding vendor/plugins/auto_complete
Adding vendor/plugins/auto_complete/README
Adding vendor/plugins/auto_complete/Rakefile
Adding vendor/plugins/auto_complete/init.rb
Adding vendor/plugins/auto_complete/lib
Adding vendor/plugins/auto_complete/lib/auto_complete.rb
Adding vendor/plugins/auto_complete/test
Adding vendor/plugins/auto_complete/test/auto_complete_test.rb
Transmitting file data …
Committed revision 27.

____$ svn status
? vendor/plugins/rspec

The question is, why is rspec not added?

I tried with svn add vendor/plugins/rspec --force but it keep shown as ?
and not A on svn status :slight_smile:

Any help I appreciate it :slight_smile:

On Nov 8, 2007 3:28 PM, Jamal S.
[email protected] wrote:

I started using subversion with my rails application, but I’m stuck with
plugins, they are not added to my revision…

____$ svn add vendor/plugins/rspec
svn: warning: ‘vendor/plugins/rspec’ is already under version control

Remove the vendor/plugins/rspec/.svn directory, then try to add
vendor/plugins/rspec again.

Greg D.

Thanks, but why it’s not adding all the sub folder? I did this :slight_smile:

svn add vendor/plugins/* --force

and also

svn add vendor/plugins/. --force

but I still get the ? character and not A beside all folders in rspec

$ svn status
? vendor/plugins/attachment_fu
? vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails
? vendor/plugins/rspec/plugins
? vendor/plugins/rspec/rake_tasks
? vendor/plugins/rspec/spec
? vendor/plugins/rspec/lib
? vendor/plugins/rspec/failing_examples
? vendor/plugins/rspec/bin
? vendor/plugins/rspec/autotest
? vendor/plugins/rspec/examples
A vendor/plugins/rspec
A vendor/plugins/rspec/Rakefile
A vendor/plugins/rspec/TODO
A vendor/plugins/rspec/init.rb
A vendor/plugins/rspec/UPGRADE
A vendor/plugins/rspec/CHANGES
A vendor/plugins/rspec/MIT-LICENSE
A vendor/plugins/rspec/README
A vendor/plugins/rspec/spec.opts

On Nov 8, 2007 3:49 PM, Jamal S.
[email protected] wrote:

? vendor/plugins/rspec/examples
A vendor/plugins/rspec
A vendor/plugins/rspec/Rakefile
A vendor/plugins/rspec/TODO
A vendor/plugins/rspec/init.rb
A vendor/plugins/rspec/UPGRADE
A vendor/plugins/rspec/CHANGES
A vendor/plugins/rspec/MIT-LICENSE
A vendor/plugins/rspec/README
A vendor/plugins/rspec/spec.opts

There may be more .svn directories in your way:

find . -type d -name .svn -print

Then when you’re sure you’re ready to delete them:

find . -type d -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} ;

Greg D.

It doesn’t delete because it is directory, even though there is -rf, is
there anyway around Greg D. .)

$ find vendor/plugins -type d -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} ;
find: vendor/plugins/.svn: No such file or directory
find: vendor/plugins/auto_complete/.svn: No such file or directory
find: vendor/plugins/auto_complete/lib/.svn: No such file or directory
find: vendor/plugins/auto_complete/test/.svn: No such file or directory
find: vendor/plugins/rspec/.svn: No such file or directory
find: vendor/plugins/rspec/autotest/.svn: No such file or directory
find: vendor/plugins/rspec/bin/.svn: No such file or directory
find: vendor/plugins/rspec/examples/.svn: No such file or directory
find: vendor/plugins/rspec/examples/stories/.svn: No such file or

Thanks it’s working now :slight_smile:

I just had to add vendor/plugins/ and that’s it :smiley: