Substrtuct mysql help

Thanks guys for trying to help me out, So heres my problem, I sent it to
the tech support of DreamHost and copied the email I sent him and am
going to post it here, so keep that in mind, thanks.


Hello, Ive been having trouble setting up mysql to connect with my
substrcut app, I have configured everyhting ok, Pasword, and port and
SOCKET. Here is the problem:

heres my database file:

An example of my db file (database.yml):
adapter: mysql
socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
database: substruct_development
username: Username
password: Password
port: 3306

When I perform this step: cp -R vendor/plugins/substruct/db/* db/

I get a permission denied:

wiggum]$ cd
[wiggum]$ cp -R vendor/plugins/substruct/db/* db/
cp: cannot create regular file
db/migrate/.svn/text-base/003_add_rbac.rb.svn-base': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file db/migrate/.svn/text-base/001_add_user_and_contact.rb.svn-base’:
Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file
db/migrate/.svn/text-base/002_add_tags.rb.svn-base': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file db/migrate/.svn/prop-base/003_add_rbac.rb.svn-base’: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file
db/migrate/.svn/prop-base/001_add_user_and_contact.rb.svn-base': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file db/migrate/.svn/prop-base/002_add_tags.rb.svn-base’: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file
db/migrate/.svn/props/003_add_rbac.rb.svn-work': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file db/migrate/.svn/props/001_add_user_and_contact.rb.svn-work’: Permission
cp: cannot create regular file
db/migrate/.svn/props/002_add_tags.rb.svn-work': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file db/migrate/.svn/wcprops/003_add_rbac.rb.svn-work’: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file
db/migrate/.svn/wcprops/001_add_user_and_contact.rb.svn-work': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file db/migrate/.svn/wcprops/002_add_tags.rb.svn-work’: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file db/migrate/.svn/entries': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file db/migrate/.svn/empty-file’: Permission
cp: cannot create regular file db/migrate/.svn/README.txt': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file db/migrate/.svn/format’: Permission
cp: cannot create regular file `db/migrate/.svn/dir-wcprops’: Permission

Then when I do this step:

wiggum]$ chmod +w db/schema.rb
[wiggum]$ rake db:schema:load
(in /home/.lemon/strikezero/
– create_table(“content_node_types”, {:force=>true})
rake aborted!
Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket
‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ (2)

As you can see in this it says it cant find the socket but as you can
see in the database file it Points to the right directory for the

because when i do a “[wiggum]$ mysql_config --socket” command I get :
“[wiggum]$ mysql_config --socket

So this leads me to suspect that its pointing to the socket, but its not
there, Is this a problem on your end, and if not what can I do to
resolve this.

Thank you for your prompt responce.

Seems fine too me… Is this an error on your end? thanks


Please can anyone help, thanks alot guys!

Okay this really hard to read and I can’t figure out what you’re saying
and what Dreamhost is saying. But you connect to MySQL EITHER through
a socket or a host. In the case of Dreamhost you always connect
through a host (as far as I know).

The other issue I run into on Dreamhost is that if I’m running commands
via ssh for a production site I need to explicitly set the mode to
production like this:

RAILS_ENV=production rake migrate

As for the copying files… well it looks like only the subversion
files didn’t copy which shouldn’t really be an issue, but if you want
to figure it out go look up a unix permissions tutorial.

Bryan Roxah wrote:

As you can see in this it says it cant find the socket but as you

dasil003 Thanks I’ll try this and update u guys

oh and about the post, sorry I was stoned.

I just noticed this happening lately. Every time I restart the Webrick
server and load the first page, I get the following info at the bottom
of my page:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: Keep-Alive Date:
Mon, 11 Sep 2006 19:03:41 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Server: WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.8.2/2004-12-25) Content-Length: 44024
Set-Cookie: _session_id=

It only does this on the first page and browsing the site afterwards it
does not show that. Where is this coming from?

Best Regards,



SUBSTRUCT DATABAse, (or rails) yml file is mesed up or something, but i
used another one like this:

login: &login
adapter: mysql
username: username
password: password

<<: *login
database: myapp_development

<<: *login
database: myapp_test

<<: *login
database: myapp_production

and this worked like a charm!!!

now to pack a bowl…

Bryan Roxah wrote:

dasil003, I did the fixes including deleteing the PORT: and SOCKET:
lines from my database file, and ran the command you told me too, and
now got this error…

[wiggum]$ RAILS_ENV=production rake migrate
(in /home/.lemon/strikezero/
== AddUserAndContact: migrating

– add_column(:questions, :email_address, :string, {:limit=>50})
rake aborted!
MysqlError: Table ‘substruct_production.questions’ doesn’t exist: ALTER
TABLE questions ADD email_address varchar(50)

(See full trace by running task with --trace)

any help?