Subselects and associations(:include)


Is there a way to stop rails from tokenizing a mysql query? I have an
association where I need to change :select to:

:select => “*, (select count(something_id) from second_table where
second_table.something_id = ) as count”

It works OK without loading associations, however I need to add
an :include. At that point all the select is changed and it says
‘count’ does not exist.

How can this made to work?


On 22 Dec 2008, at 19:07, Marcelo B. wrote:

an :include. At that point all the select is changed and it says
‘count’ does not exist.

How can this made to work?

It can’t. joins based :include overwrites the select. The non joined
based include doesn’t but rails won’t use it because it sees you
referencing tables other than the main table in the query (and isn’t
smart enough to work out that it’s ok because it’s just a subselect).


On 23 Dec 2008, at 21:43, TomRossi7 wrote:

Have you tried using the :joins key and manually specifying your

It depends on what you’re trying to achieve. If you want to eager load
stuff the :joins won’t do it. If you just want to join some tables
because you need them for your conditions etc… then :joins is
exactly what is needed.


Have you tried using the :joins key and manually specifying your

On Dec 22, 5:39 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]