I’m having some trouble with styling my views.
Here is a particular snippet that I think illustrates well:
<%= @tour_request.booked_datetime ? "Confirmed For: #{@tour_request.booked_datetime_string} ":"Date and time requested: #{@tour_request.daterequested} | #{@tour_request.preferredtime_string} Alternative date and time requested: #{@tour_request.altdaterequested} #{@tour_request.preferredtime_string}" %>
That will prevent the page from loading, showing a custom error screen.
But this, will display fine:
<%= @tour_request.booked_datetime ? "Confirmed For: #{@tour_request.booked_datetime_string} ":"Date and time requested: #{@tour_request.daterequested} | #{@tour_request.preferredtime_string} Alternative date and time requested: #{@tour_request.altdaterequested} #{@tour_request.preferredtime_string}" %>
The only difference is on the first example I had #{@tour_request.booked_datetime_string} and the
second I had #{@tour_request.booked_datetime_string}
I know I could just do <%=
@tour_request.booked_datetime_string %> but this field won’t always be
displaying, so I need to find a way to make whichever that particular
tour has filled out showing, whether it’s booked_datetime_string,
tour_request.daterequested, preferredtime_string or altdaterequested
Would appreciate any help!