Stuck installing ruby-fcgi on Linux


I’ve installed fcgi 2.4.0 on a CentOS 4.2 box without problems using:

[root@machine fcgi-2.4.0]# ./configure --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr
&& make && make install

When I try to install ruby-fcgi bindings I get the following:

[root@machine ruby-fcgi-0.8.6]# ruby install.rb config –
–with-fcgi-lib=/usr/lib/ --with-fcgi-include=/usr/include/
install.rb: entering config phase…
—> lib
<— lib
—> ext
—> ext/fcgi
/usr/bin/ruby /root/install/ruby-fcgi-0.8.6/ext/fcgi/extconf.rb
–with-fcgi-lib=/usr/lib/ --with-fcgi-include=/usr/include/
checking for fcgiapp.h… yes
checking for FCGX_Accept() in -lfcgi… no
<— ext/fcgi
<— ext
install.rb: config done.

For some reason, the ruby-fcgi picks up the header file alright, but
not the lib dir. Any hints on why are greatly appreciated as I’m quite
stuck here.

