Stub with assigns?

is there a way to stub a method that sets an instance variable, so
the stub sets it too?

def find_foo
@foo = Foo.find(params[:id]

controller.stub!(:find_foo).and_assigns(:foo, “123”)

On 13.12.2007, at 9.00, Jonathan L. wrote:

is there a way to stub a method that sets an instance variable, so
the stub sets it too?

def find_foo
@foo = Foo.find(params[:id]

controller.stub!(:find_foo).and_assigns(:foo, “123”)

Why don’t you just stub Foo.find? That way the instance var gets
assigned automatically.


Jarkko L.

On Dec 12, 2007 11:00 PM, Jonathan L. [email protected]

controller.stub!(:find_foo).and_assigns(:foo, “123”)
huh? I think what you want to be doing is
Foo.stub!(:find_foo).and_return @mock_foo

and then assigns[:foo] will of course be set to @mock_foo.


On Dec 13, 2007, at 2:00 AM, Jonathan L. wrote:

is there a way to stub a method that sets an instance variable, so
the stub sets it too?

Nope. The idea behind this is that instance variables are supposed
to be the inner representation of some data inside a class, while an
attr_accessor/reader is the public interface to other objects.

Obviously, this idea breaks down in rails. If you wanted something
like that, why not write some shared specs like this:

it “should find …” do
(params).and_return @instance_var_contents

it “should assign the instance variable to the template” do
assigns[@class_name.underscore].should == @instance_var_contents

where @class_name would be a string like “Foo”


On Dec 13, 2007, at 2:47 AM, Jonathan L. wrote:

@foo = Foo.find(params[:id]

Sorry, perhaps I gave too simplistic an example.
My question is what if I want to stub the whole find_foo method
but one of its side effects is it sets @foo
(rather than stub the internals of find_foo)

… and @foo is used by the method that i am testing

On Dec 13, 2007, at 2:06 AM, Jarkko L. wrote:

controller.stub!(:find_foo).and_assigns(:foo, “123”)

Why don’t you just stub Foo.find? That way the instance var gets
assigned automatically.


Sorry, perhaps I gave too simplistic an example.
My question is what if I want to stub the whole find_foo method
but one of its side effects is it sets @foo
(rather than stub the internals of find_foo)

Sorry, perhaps I gave too simplistic an example.

Real code, please? :slight_smile:

Simplified examples only ever result in simplistic suggestions.


I wouldn’t try doing this. You risk getting highly coupled test code.
rather use a little helper method that does this for you.


2007/12/13, Jonathan L. [email protected]:

I ended up wrapping the instance variable in a method, which I can
then stub also
Its cleaner that way anyhow

def current_foo