Stub actions that depend on the parameter

I’m pretty new to all related to bdd and rspec and I have the following
question. Is it possible to stub actions that return different objects
depending on the parameteres they were called with? Something like this:


I know I could use MyClass.stub!(:method).and_return(@mock_object_1,
@mock_object_2) so the first time the :method method is called, it would
return the first object and then the second one, but the problem is that
I cannot guarantee the order it will be called inside the model.

Thanks in advance


On 10/8/07, Borja Martín [email protected] wrote:

I’m pretty new to all related to bdd and rspec and I have the following
question. Is it possible to stub actions that return different objects
depending on the parameteres they were called with?Something like this:


What happened when you tried this?

David C.
escribió:> On 10/8/07, Borja Martín [email protected] wrote:

What happened when you tried this?

I become an error like this:

undefined method `with’ for #Spec::Mocks::MethodStub:0xb6f20858



On 10/8/07, Borja Martín [email protected] wrote:

What happened when you tried this?

I become an error like this:

undefined method `with’ for #Spec::Mocks::MethodStub:0xb6f20858

OK - that makes sense - you’re probably using the latest release
rather than the trunk. The trunk has been modified to support what
you’re trying to do.

In the mean time, you could use should_receive to get the same effect.
It won’t care about order, but it will care that the message is
received at one point.

That help?

On Oct 8, 2007, at 2:23 PM, David C. wrote:

like this:
undefined method `with’ for #Spec::Mocks::MethodStub:0xb6f20858

OK - that makes sense - you’re probably using the latest release
rather than the trunk. The trunk has been modified to support what
you’re trying to do.

What is the syntax for that?


On 10/8/07, Scott T. [email protected] wrote:

question. Is it possible to stub actions that return different

I become an error like this:

undefined method `with’ for #Spec::Mocks::MethodStub:0xb6f20858

OK - that makes sense - you’re probably using the latest release
rather than the trunk. The trunk has been modified to support what
you’re trying to do.

What is the syntax for that?

Just like Borja suggested:


This is tricky though - it does NOT pass through other requests -
simply ignores them. So if you do this, you must stub! every possible
set of args.

I’ll give a try to the trunk version. Thanks for such a quick reply.


David C.
escribió:> On 10/8/07, Borja Martín [email protected] wrote:


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