Hey, all.
Is it possible to have a string in and symbol in the same hash?
my_hash {
“one” => “1”,
two: 2
Thank you!
Hey, all.
Is it possible to have a string in and symbol in the same hash?
my_hash {
“one” => “1”,
two: 2
Thank you!
What do your tests reveal?
My question is the same…
The answer is yes. A key can be any object, and all the keys of a Hash
don’t have to be of the same type.
Hmm… let’s see shall we?
~ $ irb
irb(main):001:0> my_hash = {
irb(main):002:1* “one” => “1”,
irb(main):003:1* two: 2
irb(main):004:1> }
=> {“one”=>“1”, :two=>2}
Yup. We did indeed get a hash with both Strings and Symbols as keys.
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