(String * Fixnum) and (Fixnum * String)

Just a small quick question:

String * Fixnum works:

"test " * 4
=> test test test test

while Fixnum * String doesn’t:

4 * "test "
TypeError: String can’t be coerced into
from (irb):19:in
from (irb):19

I understand that ruby being strongly typed means you can only do
things with the types you are working with. However, aren’t the examples
above pretty much equivalent? or is it a precedence thing? Trying to
my own question is it because the “" operator for a Fixnum only accepts
another Fixnum/Bignum, while the "
” operator for a String only allows a
Fixnum, because it sure doesn’t let you do String * String (and why
you really).

Someone please help me grasp this :slight_smile: Thanks

On 21 Aug 2007, at 15:12, Dan wrote:

4 * "test "
above pretty much equivalent? or is it a precedence thing? Trying
to answer
my own question is it because the “" operator for a Fixnum only
another Fixnum/Bignum, while the "
” operator for a String only
allows a
Fixnum, because it sure doesn’t let you do String * String (and why
you really).

Someone please help me grasp this :slight_smile: Thanks

You’ve got it I think. In the first instance you call the String#*
method. This accepts an Integer argument and returns a String:

--------------------------------------------------------------- String#*
str * integer => new_str

  Copy---Returns a new +String+ containing _integer_ copies of the

     "Ho! " * 3   #=> "Ho! Ho! Ho! "

The second time you call the Fixnum#* method which accepts Numeric
arguments (not Strings).

--------------------------------------------------------------- Fixnum#*
fix * numeric => numeric_result

  Performs multiplication: the class of the resulting object depends
  on the class of +numeric+ and on the magnitude of the result.

This being Ruby, it is easy (but maybe dangerous) to extend the
Fixnum class to perform as you like:

irb(main):001:0> class Fixnum
irb(main):002:1> alias mult *
irb(main):003:1* def *(a)
irb(main):004:2> return a * self if a.is_a?(String)
irb(main):005:2> return mult(a)
irb(main):006:2> end
irb(main):007:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):008:0> 2 * 2
=> 4
irb(main):009:0> 2 * “foo”
=> “foofoo”

Alex G.

Bioinformatics Center
Kyoto University

On 21 Aug 2007, at 15:12, Dan wrote:

Fixnum, because it sure doesn’t let you do String * String (and why
you really).

To clarify my previous answer, the important thing is to realise that
most ‘operators’ in Ruby are just methods that look funny. So

3 * 2

Is just another way of writing

3.* 2



And hence ‘foo’ * 2 is very different to 2 * ‘foo’ in terms of the
underlying method that is called.
Alex G.

Bioinformatics Center
Kyoto University

Dan wrote:

Just a small quick question:

String * Fixnum works:

while Fixnum * String doesn’t:

Think of it like this:
43 = 4+4+4 (4 added 3 times) = 12
4 = 3+3+3+3 (3 added 4 times) = 12
Those are equivalent because x added y times and y added x times always
the same result (x and y being numbers).

“bla”*3=“bla”+“bla”+“bla” (“bla” added 3 times)=“blablabla”
But what would 3 * “bla” be? 3 added “bla” times? What does that mean?


Dan wrote:

4 * "test "
another Fixnum/Bignum, while the “*” operator for a String only allows a
Fixnum, because it sure doesn’t let you do String * String (and why would
you really).

Someone please help me grasp this :slight_smile: Thanks

As I read it in Chris P.'s excellent ‘How to Program’, when you do
string * fixnum, you’re telling the string to multiply itself ‘fixnum’
times - the string knows how to do that.

When you do fixnum * string, you’re trying to ask the a fixnum to
multiply itself string times - that makes no sense. Thus, it’s not

8/21/2007 | 3:00 PM.

P.S. I’m new to the group - so, I’ll use this email to piggyback and say
HI to everyone!