String date comparison

I am trying to compare dates that I have to the current day’s date so i
can know if something is over due.

this is my code:

<% if assignment[:due_date] < %>
<%= flash[:notice]=“OVERDUE” %>

the error I keep getting is comparison of String with Date failed.

Any ideas??? thanks in advance

Any ideas??? thanks in advance

assignment[:due_date] is a String. To compare dates try this:

if Time.parse(assignment[:due_date]) <

There may well be a Date.parse method, but I didn’t bother to look :slight_smile:

Jared Delux247 wrote:

I am trying to compare dates that I have to the current day’s date so i
can know if something is over due.

this is my code:

<% if assignment[:due_date] < %>
<%= flash[:notice]=“OVERDUE” %>

the error I keep getting is comparison of String with Date failed.

Any ideas??? thanks in advance

May try replacing “” with “”.
You’ll probably want to make sure the formatting is the same.
=> Date
=> String

Can you give us a preview of what assignment[:due_date]?

Philip H. wrote:

Any ideas??? thanks in advance

assignment[:due_date] is a String. To compare dates try this:

if Time.parse(assignment[:due_date]) <

There may well be a Date.parse method, but I didn’t bother to look :slight_smile:

Thank you Philip, worked like a charm!

On 15 Aug 2008, at 22:00, Jared Delux247 wrote:

the error I keep getting is comparison of String with Date failed.

what’s assignment? if it’s something from params then it will just be
a string and you’ll have to convert it to a Date first (Date.parse
