String column -> Text, 255 limit?

So I’m using a column in my database to serialize a hash of extra data
an object. Stuff I’d want when displaying, but not anything else I care
have structured access to in my DB. I recently started storing an URL
field, so I decided I’d better change the column type from string (which
probably should never have been) to text.

I did so with a standard migration

def self.up
change_column :my_table, :related_data, :text

Looking in my schema.db file, I see:

t.text “related_data”, :limit => 255

I think I know how to fix it, but want some reinforcement I’m on the
track before I spend the time. Looks like what I really need is:

def self.up
add_column :my_table, :new_related_data, :text

copy data from related_data to new_related_data

remove_column :my_table, :related_data
rename_column :my_table, :new_related_data, :related_data


On Aug 17, 2011, at 3:32 PM, John H. wrote:

t.text “related_data”, :limit => 255
Or just…

change_column :my_table, :related_data, :text, :limit => 123456789 # or
whatever you think is large enough


That would be easier for sure. I was just guessing that the limit param
put in because the db was just changing the type on the column, not
changing the size allocated to the column per record.

On Aug 17, 2011, at 7:38 PM, Philip H. wrote:

I did so with a standard migration
the right track before I spend the time. Looks like what I really

Or just…

change_column :my_table, :related_data, :text, :limit => 123456789

or whatever you think is large enough


I think that the limit can be 2048 as I recall that is the max for a
URL. I can’t find a reference to back that up at the moment, but I
think that this is what the sitemap specification (see Google) allows,


Rob B.
[email protected]
[email protected]

t.text “related_data”, :limit => 255

Or just…

change_column :my_table, :related_data, :text, :limit => 123456789 # or
whatever you think is large enough


I think that the limit can be 2048 as I recall that is the max for a URL. I
can’t find a reference to back that up at the moment, but I think that this is
what the sitemap specification (see Google) allows, too.

Relevant portion…

Microsoft Internet Explorer has a maximum uniform resource locator (URL)
length of 2,083 characters. Internet Explorer also has a maximum path
length of 2,048 characters. This limit applies to both POST request and
GET request URLs.

If you are using the GET method, you are limited to a maximum of 2,048
characters, minus the number of characters in the actual path.

However, the POST method is not limited by the size of the URL for
submitting name/value pairs. These pairs are transferred in the header
and not in the URL.

On 19 August 2011 17:35, Philip H. [email protected] wrote:

I think that the limit can be 2048 as I recall that is the max for a URL. I
can’t find a reference to back that up at the moment, but I think that this is
what the sitemap specification (see Google) allows, too.

Maximum URL length is 2,083 characters in Internet Explorer - Microsoft Support

Relevant portion…

Microsoft Internet Explorer has a maximum uniform resource locator (URL) length
of 2,083 characters. Internet Explorer also has a maximum path length of 2,048
characters. This limit applies to both POST request and GET request URLs.

That’s the current limit for IE - but IE is not the internet.

If you check section 3.2.1 of the HTTP RFC, it states:
“The HTTP protocol does not place any a priori limit on the length of
a URI.” and also notes that “Servers should be cautious about
depending on URI lengths above 255 bytes, because some older client or
proxy implementations may not properly support these lengths”

So essentially the limit is whatever combination of current clients
can send, and your server can handle. Over time, I’d assume it will
get longer, as more http clients support longer URIs, and more people
rely on them in their apps.

On 20 August 2011 09:32, Michael P. [email protected] wrote:

If you check section 3.2.1 of the HTTP RFC, it states:

It would’ve been polite to include the link! :slight_smile: