Streamlined framework - Maturity? Background?


Just found and started to look at Streamlined
( It looks very interesting
however I couldn’t find a mailing list or contact me link. Just

[1] How mature is Streamlined? What sort of uptake does it have?

[2] It it opensource?

[3] Do people see it as a strategic add on to Rails at all (i.e. to
complement rather than compete with rails)?


[PS My main aim was trying to select an authentication/authorisation
approach of which someone suggested to look at Streamlined, but it seems
to do much more than this.]

Greg H. wrote:


Just found and started to look at Streamlined
( It looks very interesting
however I couldn’t find a mailing list or contact me link. Just

Perhaps leave a comment against one of their blog articles.


[1] How mature is Streamlined? What sort of uptake does it have?

It was demoed at Railsconf in July and released in August.

[2] It it opensource?


[3] Do people see it as a strategic add on to Rails at all (i.e. to
complement rather than compete with rails)?


It is fairly immature (pre-alpha). It is supposedly open source but they
haven’t released it in source form yet (at least last time I checked).
It is
definitely complementary to rails. It relies on the rails framework to
function. It will probably never be included in rails itself though as I
doubt “better scaffolding” would ever be viewed as part of the core. I
love it if I was someday proved wrong on this though.


On 8/19/06, Greg H. [email protected] wrote:

Posted via

Jon W.
[email protected]

There is a list of auto admin on this site:

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jon W.
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2006 12:45 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Rails] Re: Streamlined framework - Maturity? Background?

It is fairly immature (pre-alpha). It is supposedly open source but they
haven’t released it in source form yet (at least last time I checked).
It is
definitely complementary to rails. It relies on the rails framework to
function. It will probably never be included in rails itself though as I
doubt “better scaffolding” would ever be viewed as part of the core. I
love it if I was someday proved wrong on this though.


On 8/19/06, Greg H. [email protected] wrote:


Just found and started to look at Streamlined
( It looks very interesting
however I couldn’t find a mailing list or contact me link. Just

[1] How mature is Streamlined? What sort of uptake does it have?

[2] It it opensource?

[3] Do people see it as a strategic add on to Rails at all (i.e. to
complement rather than compete with rails)?


[PS My main aim was trying to select an authentication/authorisation
approach of which someone suggested to look at Streamlined, but it seems
to do much more than this.]

Posted via

Jon W.
[email protected]

thanks for the feedback to date guys

BTW - I was thinking of for my immediate user management needs looking
use of ActiveRBAC (i.e. not chewing off too much re 3rd party
for the moment. Any comments on this in relation to a potential option
going to Streamlined for this would be appreciated?

Greg H. wrote:


Just found and started to look at Streamlined
( It looks very interesting
however I couldn’t find a mailing list or contact me link.

From their blog, it appears you can contact the developers via

streamlined AT relevancellc DOT com

Just wondering:

[1] How mature is Streamlined? What sort of uptake does it have?

It is very new. DHH has just commented favourably on it, here:

Comments to his blog post were critical of the current look and feel,
and the Streamlined team is addressing this by working with the
developer of the Ajax scaffold.

If I remember correctly, Dave T. also mentioned Streamlined in his
RailsConf keynote. He highlighted three directions in which he felt
Rails needed to improve, one of which was high-quality scaffolding, and
he mentioned Streamlined as a candidate for this.

The authors of Streamlined are well-respected people who have come to
Ruby and Rails from the “Better, Faster Lighter Java” movement (Justin
Gehtland co-wrote the book of that name with Bruce Tate).

So I would say: watch it carefully, try it out, if you like it and want
it to move faster or in a particular direction, see if you can

[2] It it opensource?

Yes, MIT license:

(Note that the subversion repository is now accessible, despite what it
says on the download page)

[3] Do people see it as a strategic add on to Rails at all (i.e. to
complement rather than compete with rails)?

Yes, it adds to Rails rather than competing with it.


Justin F.

Greetings Greg - For my uses, I see this framework being useful to
(quickly) pull together table editing for my (internal)
administrators - where I’m not concerned so much with a particular
look, but ease of data access.
