(This posting can be ignored unless you live-or-die by a *nix command
On the other hand, have you ever wanted to do some quick math on a CSV
without waiting to launch Excel or Gnumeric? (Or you’re logged in
remotely.) Maybe you’d like to print the average timestamp across all
lines in a log file? Or you might wish “cut” split columns with a
regexp, not just a delimiter?
I just GPL’ed a project of mine for doing spreadsheet style
calculations on the command line. It’s probably easiest to explain with
an example. Say you have a sample file called “data.csv”, which looks
like this:
And then you call the Streaming Spreadsheet like so:
$ cat data.csv | sss 'b=sum(b)' 'c=sd(c)' 'c1="full total"'
You’ll get this on standard out:
Year Change full total
2001 34.5 100.1
2002 36.6 101.13
2003 -11 90.5
2004 0 95
Note that “cell” C1 has been changed, and those last two lines added
with the sum of the B column, and the standard deviation of the C.
Since it’s really just a tarted up “eval,” more complicated stuff also
$ cat data.csv |sss 'd=(123**2.3).to_i'
On standard out:
Year Change TOTAL
2001 34.5 100.1
2002 36.6 101.13
2003 -11 90.5
2004 0 95
The script is a moderately-clever 350 lines of Ruby (IMHO). For
instance, it takes advantage of a quirk in parsing this sort of thing:
This string of code ends up trying to call a method named “b32” with
one argument, the symbol “:c35”. Perfect for returning a range of cells
via “def method_missing()”!
I hope it’s useful for someone else right now, but the project is very
much still in beta.