it might be a bit off topic but I hope I’m still allowed to post this.
I’m currently looking for something (whatever language, script, …)
that allows users to click a button and stream the audio output of their
computer to the server. Does anyone know anything that does this?
Yeah, exactly. I don’t want a file upload. I want somebody to click a
button and then the audio output of for example his music application
streams to the server and then shoutcasted.
it might be a bit off topic but I hope I’m still allowed to post this.
I’m currently looking for something (whatever language, script, …)
that allows users to click a button and stream the audio output of their
computer to the server. Does anyone know anything that does this?
Do you mean click a button on a web page? If so then I hope that it
is not possible. It should not be possible to do such things from a
If you are not talking about in the browser and just want an app to
run on your pc to stream video to be picked up by the server then as
others have said this is nothing to do with Rails. Have a look at
apps such as VLC.
Since you have not quoted the message to which you are replying it is
not clear to with what you are replying. In addition you have changed
the subject line so have broken the thread, at least in some mail
I meant any malware would be capable of that. And said this correctly
not got it broken by T9 it should be clearly visible why I recommended
to do this!
send by Samsung Galaxy Tab with Overcome Mod
Am 11.10.2011 18:10 schrieb “Heinz S.” [email protected]:
I meant any malware would be capable of that. And said this correctly
not got it broken by T9 it should be clearly visible why I recommended
to do this!
send by Samsung Galaxy Tab with Overcome Mod
Am 11.10.2011 18:10 schrieb “Heinz S.” [email protected]:
Yes, that makes totally sense. I was just talking about some app that
makes a one-click-streaming to the server (with some app) possible.
Yes, I mean some kind of app makes it possible to stream the users audio
output to the websites server. I tried VLC and it worked but I found it
rather complicated to get it working. I was hoping for some easier
So the question has nothing to do with Rails then?
Do you mean click a button on a web page? If so then I hope that it
is not possible. It should not be possible to do such things from a
If you are not talking about in the browser and just want an app to
run on your pc to stream video to be picked up by the server then as
others have said this is nothing to do with Rails. Have a look at
apps such as VLC.
Yes, I mean some kind of app makes it possible to stream the users audio
output to the websites server. I tried VLC and it worked but I found it
rather complicated to get it working. I was hoping for some easier
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