I do have the same question since long…luckily you asked. I’ll watch
this thread
I found something which worked - if I did :controller =>
‘vendorlocation’ as opposed to :controller => ‘vendorlocations’ it
seemed to do the right thing…
Is strange though as when I use the helper
It generates the
/vendorlocations/:id/edit which is NOT accepted with a POST but it works
when in a normal link…
if you edit something it should be a GET request and then POST it to
the update action right? You are better off just removing the default
routes and rolling your own…
if you edit something it should be a GET request and then POST it to
the update action right? You are better off just removing the default
routes and rolling your own…
like map.resources :venderlocations
Or is there something I’m missing here…
Its a POST as I am using the remote_link_to method which seems to use a
POST, I’m a total newbie at this so not sure what map.resources does
(although i will now look it up)
If this is a link_to_remote then its a little different. What is it
that you want to happen when you click the link? If you are new to
Rails I find it much easier to first get a normal link_to working then
start adding ajax to the views.