Strange routing issue : working on localhost not working on remote server

it’s the first time I see it …

I have the following in my routes.rb

namespace :users do
resource :dashboard, :only => [:show ]

and users_dashboard_path => “/users/dashboard” where I only print
the logged in current_user name ( using Devise gem auth…)

on localhost after sign in , I can go to

but once deployed , after sign in,
raises : The page you were looking for doesn’t exist.
You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.

where could be the difference ? I am tired tonight !

thanks for your feedback

On 15 November 2011 19:01, Erwin [email protected] wrote:

on localhost after sign in , I can go to http://localhost:3000/users/dashboard

but once deployed , after sign in,
raises : The page you were looking for doesn’t exist.
You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.

What does production.log show when that happens?


Got it thanks !
Started GET “/users/dashboard” for at 2011-11-15 21:40:36
ActionController::RoutingError (uninitialized constant

I had to define dashboard inside Users as per the routes …
(namespace :users !)

On 15 November 2011 21:50, Erwin [email protected] wrote:

Got it thanks !
Started GET “/users/dashboard” for at 2011-11-15 21:40:36
ActionController::RoutingError (uninitialized constant

I had to define dashboard inside Users as per the routes …
(namespace :users !)

But it was ok in development mode?


What does production.log show when that happens?


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